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Posts posted by Seahawks

  1. Evolution is a bad theory that got a lot of hype in the 1925 scopes trial, where some putz didn't know how to defend himself, and all the evidence the evolutionist teacher used is now debunk. Many are still trying to keep it alive, while everybody else in the world is figuring this theory is no longer holding water...


    Bad theory???.....dude...evolution is just as much of a proven fact as theology is....which should tell you something.....you cannot prove God exsists anymore than I can prove we came from apes....Its all about what you believe to be true. I believe in evolution. It makes more sense to me.


    Organized religion these days seems more for the money making aspect of it more than any other thing it brings to the table.




    In the end.....if it does not hurt anyone else and it brings peace unto you.......so be it.....enjoy.






    Have to admit Kevbone you have more of a brain than half the people here. It is a beleif system. It also a religion, huminism.

  2. Where do you draw the line between acceptable science and unacceptable science? What if the science that might seem religiously benign today eventually leads to conlcusions that support the non-existance of god? Does that science get moved to the black list of invalid or unacceptable science?


    What if life is dicovered in space? Does that nullify the current creationist theory?


    What about human cloning?


    I could ask the same question what if all evidence pointed to creation, would you beleive? Would you black list it like so many others? It not been disproven but people black black list it.


    I think there could be life in space. If God made it here he could have made it somewhere else. Its possible.


    What about human cloning?? Human have become smart enough to use the building blocks God created. We can't create it but we can manipulate and use it. I think we need to be careful or run the risk of Hilter and the master race.

  3. Evolutionist theories are getting so bad that alot of them are turning to space to explain life. Life here through real science is getting tougher to explain. So alot of them are looking to space for the answer to life.


    If evolution were true, every square foot of the earth's surface would teem with conclusive proof of change. The entire absence of proof is the strongest possible proof that evolution is a myth



  4. So your argument against the entire discipline of science is that because certain theories were proven false, and at times data has been falsified, the entire discipline is untrustworthy?


    Evolution simply represents the most plausible theory available. It isn't a closed form solution like the answer to a math problem. Certain aspects of the current theory are missing, and others are likely wrong, but until presented with more plausible alternatives, it is the best we have. If we waited for absolute confirmation of all scientific theories, it would effectively relinquish our society back to the stone age (which apparently you think didnt exist?)


    It only the most plausable to you becuase you dismiss God. There is no God so therefor Creation cann't exist and anthing that even remotely support it is thrown out.


    God created structure to this world with science. Of course I beleive in real science. I do not give creadance to a reiligion of huminism, Evolution. It is not proven and I don't think ever will be. Not one specious even with all the real science we have today has been linked to another. Alot of people don't want to beleive there is a God so what other choice is there. To accept would be to have to admit responsibilty to something else and most people like control of there own lives. Fine I'm cool with that. But don't shove it down my throat and say its a fact when it is not a fact. TV statement that it FACT shows how blinded he is. Have him calulate how far the moon moves from the earth each year and go back in time before everything is thrown off. Creation can not be proved and neither can evolution.


  5. fact:


    Piltdown. Almost everyone now knows that Piltdown Man was a deliberate hoax. But for over 40 years, from 1912 until the 1950's, the subtle message of scientific authority was clear: "You can believe in creation if you want to, but the facts are all on the side of evolution." The facts in this case turned out to be an ape's jaw with its teeth filed and a human skull, both stained to make them look older

  6. Facts support theories, you twit. A fossil is a fact. Facts are minor events which support the theory. The theory is the Big Idea. Evolution, and every other bit of science out there, is a theory supported by factual evidence. And evolution is the most successfully tested theory in all of science. Jesus, who slipped you through through grade school?


    successful theory lol ever hear of the Nebraska man? A whole missing link made up by you evolutionist to support your theores to be found out year later to be a pigs tooth. And yes this was taugh in text books as fact. Bunch of fricking liers.

  7. Facts support theories, you twit. A fossil is a fact. Facts are minor events which support the theory. The theory is the Big Idea. Evolution, and every other bit of science out there, is a theory supported by factual evidence. And evolution is the most successfully tested theory in all of science. Jesus, who slipped you through through grade school?


    A fossile can get there many different ways that doesn't prove a thing, just that it existed at one point. And how would you explain soft tissue such as blood vessel being found in dinasour bones??? You can choice to beleive what you want but there are other views that have just as much credibility and none of it can be proved unless you were there.

  8. Yeah, to the Christians, there's always someone, someone who's just minding their own business, who doesn't quite measure up. First it was the blacks and indians. Now it's the gays. "Oh, it's right here in the Bible. Our hands are tied. The Bible, you know, it's The WORD."


    Well, if it's the word, why do the fucking CHristians spend so much time reinterpreting it to justify their latest kookiness, like being BORN AGAIN, for example? "Oh, that was always in there...God was just waiting for us to interpret it correctly".


    This "my way or the highway" Christian God that frowns upon whole groups of people that, coincidentally, lead lives His followers wouldn't approve of anyway, is nothing more than a Grade A mythical Asshole his followers invented through creative Biblical interpretation to justify their own prejudices. He doesn't even remotely resemble the Catholic God I grew up with, or the Jewish God of my close friends. We all choose our own version of God: if you want to follow an asshole who wants to His fucked up Way for the rest of us, go for it, but expect a pretty good fight when it comes to public policy.



    How can you speak for a christian and what he feels??? the arrogance.

  9. No surprises here. You're golden, everyone else is fucked. But that's not YOUR intolerance, it's God's, right? Blame it on the boss. Right. Yeah, I've got a problem with that. You subscribe to a particarly brand of religious intolerance because it suits you; in the end, it's your choice.


    Thanks, though. I'll take my chances with a few good works, a few sins here and there, and not judging, er, I mean letting God judge, those with differing sexuality and faith. If that means going to hell, oh well, at least all my friends will be there...and you guys won't be (or so you've been lead to believe). Somehow, I don't think it's going to matter either way at that point.


    As for teaching creationism, that would be fine...a) if it were science (it's not) and b) if religion were taught in public schools. Fortunately, our standards for science education haven't slipped so far as to allow it, and our Constitutional guarantee of freedom of worship prevents Christianity from getting state sponsored special treatment. It's not 'fear', it's an appropriate refusal to allow junk to adulterate sound science education and a religious minority to misuse publicly funded education to propogandize the majority.


    LOL and who decides evolution is sound science??? Last time I checked it was a theory. Unless you were there.

  10. if god/jesus is such a hot product, one wouldn't have to sell it. it would sell it self.


    correction, Christians don't sell. They point the way. All we can do is point, it's other people's choices if they want to listen, not ours.


    Jesus is not a product. He is God in flesh, and took Pink's place on the cross, as all of us. We all deserve what we should get, and I deserve it more than any of you, thank God he is graceful.


    "THE" Way. No arrogance there.


    yeah noticed that too. oh well, gloves off, bitches!



    Guess Jesus was arrogant. "I am the Way. The Truth and "THE" life."

  11. jesus died for what he believed was a good cause, but so have many people through out the history of time. what makes jesus so different when the outcome (death) was the same. i have a hard time believing he needs us to placate his actions.


    Correction: Various cults have created the myth that Jesus died for our sins. One thing is probably accurate: Someone named Jesus died on a cross because the Romans sentenced him to death. Past that, it's all what you want to believe.


    Correction the Bible was written by men who were I witnesses to what happened. That has been proven. So your myth shit is non- sense.


    In fact Saul who later was named Paul (who put Christians to death becuase he thought they were full of it) later died upside down on a cross becuase he felt he wasn't worthy to die the same way as Jesus. What do think made him change?? Oh wait all the stuff he wrote in the bible was shit and he died for no reason. Come on.

  12. No, no. If there's one thing everyone on this board agrees with to a man, and there may BE only one thing, it's that you're the most flatlined dumbass any of us have ever had the displeasure of wiping off our shoes, Seahawks.


    Its okay TV I don't hate you, I do think your an intolerant hypocritical ignorant fool.


    Them christian are a bunch of dumb asses.


    Ouch...even for Seahawks.



    seahawks, we all believe your a dumbass, and we didn't even have to sell it. it sold itself.


    Pink the fact that you have to put me down to try to make yourself look better to your internet buddies shows who the dumbass is.

  14. if god/jesus is such a hot product, one wouldn't have to sell it. it would sell it self.


    Post of the day


    I couldn't agree more. It seems that, so often, evangelical sects prey on those in trouble who are most susceptible to grabbing any life preserver they can find.


    LOL here goes that I'm smarter than all attitude. Them christian are a bunch of dumb asses.


    Examine yourself you spew hate.

  15. yeah, if you didn't tell me you're "christian", i'd think you were a great guy. heck i might even like you in person.


    Yeah, if you, TTK, and JH didn't tell me you were atheists, I'd think you were great people too. heck, I might even like you in person.


    however, the topic of your post was your religion and sharing your religion in the mountains.


    Kind of like those who post disrepectful avatars with images of Christ smoking a cigarette, or the bastardized sistine-chapel image of the spagetthi monster touching the hand of man, or joking about how funny and cool "bong hits for Jesus" would be.


    If you are truly surprised by this response, rather than just annoyed that your post didn’t sail smoothly by the attention of those who don’t share your beliefs, then you are truly oblivious to the world around you.


    right back at you hateful, vitriolic atheists who are so intolerant and disrespectful for those who choose faith and a meaningful existence over an accident of nature ending in death and cessation of consciousness forever.


    News flash! Not everyone is a Christian, Not everyone feel the need for the security blanket of religion. Some of us even find it offensive and insulting that you think that our chosen lives need some sort of overhaul by adding religion. We are not weak minded fools who have made the decision not to believe in a Christian god lightly. Most of us have given some measure of consideration.


    News flash! Every Christian knows there are lots of atheists and agnostics out there. In fact we are made painfully aware of this every year as the ACLU and loud-mouthed atheists try to restrict our rights to celebrate our religion in public and try to force us into a closet.


    Some of US find it offensive that YOU characterize our choice/faith as being a "security blanket", that YOU call us "weak-minded fools" who believe in fables, myths, and fantasy, and that you think we chose our faith lightly, with no thought whatsoever.


    I know you will find this hard to believe but some of us actually find organized Christianity offensive.


    I know you will find this hard to believe, but some of us Christians actually find vocal, hateful, organized atheists just as offensive as you find prosetylizing Christians.



    well said.


    The "climbers on crusade" (according th VH) or whatever claim to want to just meet other climbers, hang out, help out bla bla.. yet all the while "KNOWING" that they have the only key to "salvation". With that kind of judgmental attitude already embedded in their little minds how would this be a basis for any kind of honest, open or even "casual" meeting?


    Almost everything VH has said in his groups defense contradicts their own website. And Im not so sure that such a deeply held delusion as his/theirs does not in fact pose a danger in a mountaineering environment - "the forecast says no go, but I have heard the voice of the lord..."


    Joseph,right on! What we have here, (to borrow a phrase) are wolves in sheep's garb. It really is just what the world doesn't need more of, shortsighted, preachy, condescending arrogance all rapped up in a nice package of smiles and deception.



    well said



    man, do you all have jobs? How do you post so much during the day? too much to read now, but I jumped to the end, seems the conversation went lame,...


    I'm not going, nor do I have the time, to respond to much said, but I wanted to use this example (and there are others all over this board) of these judgmental and angry words used, without even knowing us. Just read above,... we are in your (dmuja) own words, and satisfyingly agreed by Pink "condescending, judgmental attitudes, wolves in sheep garb, arrogance, smiles packaged in nice deception, judgmental (did I say that)". Sounds like someone needs to point the finger in the other direction? Just a thought, but I was thinking maybe you ought to practice what you preach. I'm thinking I'm far from perfect and I may say some off things, but this is quite irrational, specially coming from climbers,...that is if you are serious climbers in the first place, maybe internet nerds, I don't know. I would think a climbing community would be a little more tolerant. I think if you got to know me, and I didn't tell you I was a Christian, I would be the guy in your workplace who works hard, and takes care of his friends, Christian or not, and I think we would dig each other, and I think you would speak differently of me. I think these internet forums are a facade of ranting and raving, placing prejudicial past experiences into present judgments, but each of us are different in person. Just a thought.


    Don't judge us all by the few freaks here. I would bet your a pretty cool person and I bet most here are pretty cool people but behind a computer sometimes brings the worst out.

  17. Screwing the boyscouts was one of the reasons why a lot of middle aged men became scout leaders :o


    If I were not a Boy Scout leader I might find that funny.

    My son is 12 and is totally into Scouts. So yeah, I am a middle aged man who is a scout leader.

    Just for differant reasons.

    I have managed to get some of the boys up some peaks on the I-90 corridore, but only 1 so far up to Camp Muir.

    I am still working on it....





    You should be comended for taking time from your schedule and investing in these young kids. That is totally respectable. If more did this what a better place.

  18. the boy scouts are a private organization right? no problem w/them having their own standards. i did have my son join the scouts b/c of their beliefs. they make a choice. i made a choice. nothing wrong w/that.


    They sued to stop federal funding to the boy scouts.


    Thats why I no longer bank with Bank of America.


    Bank of America will not give a loan or bank account to atheists? Haha I guess I slipped under the wire!


    Bank of America stopped there funding to Boy scouts becuase they are based out of SF and are the ACLU's whipping boy.

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