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Posts posted by Seahawks

  1. hey it was one year ago today that seahawks registered.


    The darkest day of the year.


    ahhh...irony. :/


    I failed to notice that, of course I wasn't doing much posting here this time last year.


    I'm kind of curious how much climbing Seahawks actually does. I've never met them, but I believe that Kevbone and Pink climb. Seahawks on the other hand I'm kind of skeptical that he does much more than post on the internet.


    hmmm...interesting point. i hadn't considered that. i have actually spoken with people who have witnessed kevbone climbing. but no reference to seahawks climbing.


    How sweet tag team modirators. Did you plan that? Hope you brought your MLU so you can find each other.


    You guys like to make fun of Kevbone but actually if I was to guess he probably on of the more fun people here to go out with. He seems real. Maybe that why I find KK interesting to he wears his feeling on his sleeves. The rest are pretty condesending know it alls.


    Is this quiz time again? lol joke.


  2. With fossilization its impossible.


    Funny how you will believe scientific theory saying fossilization is impossible but not science saying the Earth is 4 billion years old. Cognitive dissonance? I guess you are too dumb to get it.



    Can you prove fossilization. Yes and you can prove how long it takes. Something 60 -70 million supposedly years old would have 0% cells. No if and or buts. But hey it does. So we have to come up with a new theory to debunk this.


    0 + 0 = 0 Something doesn't come from nothing. Basic laws.


    1) Mary finds some 65 million year old blood cells inside a dinosaur bone


    2) Mary suggests that these blood cells have been preserved through the fosslization process


    3) Fossilization theory does not discount this, but it is an unexpected result. Offering possibilities for more exciting discoveries.


    4) Mouthbreathing Bible thumpers (probably reading Bible looking for justifications for incest) cannot understand Mary's work.


    5. and idiots can't admit that maybe there thinking was wrong becuase they are so much into there huminstic religion that it doesn't allow any other thought.




    KK I think your a pretty smart guy smarter than 99% here and sometimes and eligant writter but sometimes.


    I don't have to lay down to something that has no proof. That been shoved down everyone of our throat as fact. and in fact is a fraud. If you want to beleive Mr. linky is 70 million years old go ahead. Nothing out there proves that. Calling me stupid for thinking that still doesn't prove that. There are no intermediate fossils. There are comets that were formed when the big boom (they say happened) that should no longer exist. But what do they do with every bit of evidence that fly's in the face of what they believe? They make up some incredible theory that can support what they believe.


    So no I will not shut up. Find something else if you don't like it.

  3. With fossilization its impossible.


    Funny how you will believe scientific theory saying fossilization is impossible but not science saying the Earth is 4 billion years old. Cognitive dissonance? I guess you are too dumb to get it.



    Can you prove fossilization. Yes and you can prove how long it takes. Something 60 -70 million supposedly years old would have 0% cells. No if and or buts. But hey it does. So we have to come up with a new theory to debunk this.


    0 + 0 = 0 Something doesn't come from nothing. Basic laws.


    1) Mary finds some 65 million year old blood cells inside a dinosaur bone


    2) Mary suggests that these blood cells have been preserved through the fosslization process


    3) Fossilization theory does not discount this, but it is an unexpected result. Offering possibilities for more exciting discoveries.


    4) Mouthbreathing Bible thumpers (probably reading Bible looking for justifications for incest) cannot understand Mary's work.


    5. and idiots can't admit that maybe there thinking was wrong becuase they are so much into there huminstic religion that it doesn't allow any other thought.

  4. How can one argue we this is not one our forefathers?




    Simon Peter, Jesus’ closest friend, denied knowing Jesus three times in the hours before the crucifixion. If any of us had faced possible crucifixion, we probably would have done the same thing. Peter’s so-called cowardice was completely predictable. It was human nature.


    Not only did Peter come out of hiding after Jesus’ death, he began preaching the resurrection of Christ so loudly that the authorities threw him in jail and had him severely beaten. But he got out and preached all the more!


    And Peter wasn't alone. All the apostles who had been cowering behind locked doors spread out across Jerusalem and the surrounding area and began insisting that the Messiah had been raised from the dead. In the following years, all of Jesus’ apostles (except Judas who hanged himself and John, who died of old age) were so fearless in proclaiming the Gospel that they were all murdered as martyrs


  5. With fossilization its impossible.


    Funny how you will believe scientific theory saying fossilization is impossible but not science saying the Earth is 4 billion years old. Cognitive dissonance? I guess you are too dumb to get it.



    Can you prove fossilization. Yes and you can prove how long it takes. Something 60 -70 million supposedly years old would have 0% cells. No if and or buts. But hey it does. So we have to come up with a new theory to debunk this.


    0 + 0 = 0 Something doesn't come from nothing. Basic laws.

  6. Mary Schweizer is not discredited. She's been published in Science, even.




    Note the bit where it talks about how disappointed she is about her work being hijacked and misunderstood by young-Earth creationists.


    Funny how something that supposed to be 60 to 70 million years old has cells. With fossilization its impossible. But hell they will come up with something to explain it otherwise there whole understanding of the world comes undone. And evolution is debunk. Can't have that.

  7. Whos saying the fossil don't exist dumb ass. Nobody saying they don't exist. Follow the argument.


    Since your so smarter than all these other here, you show me the intermediate fossils. Book a trip to the museum and I'll go with and you show me the the missing links. They should be everywhere. That is evolution, not wether a fossil existed.




    That sounds like a great idea….next time I am in Seattle I will PM you and we will go to check out the fossils…. you can then point out why God exists and the scientists are full of shit. Then we will get beer and laugh at how dumb we are for even arguing a philosophy……I’m buying……..sound good?



    And your going to point out the intermediate fossil as proof of evolution right?


    You realize they don't exist.


    I can buy my own beer. mmmm beer.

  8. But unlike evolution there is proof that these men of the Bible you refer to are not made up and did live outside of the Bible. That is undisputed. There were witnesses to Jesus death.



    Are you high? Dude….are you referring to proof as the written word that was written by men? If so who is to say these men who wrote these “eye witness” accounts you are referring too did not make it all up…..or the people who wrote about the “eye witness” accounts didn’t make that all up…..point is your “undisputed” facts just got disputed.


    BUT…..lets go down to the museum and check out the bones they dug up…..oh sorry let me rephrase that….the physical evidence of evolution…..



    Whos saying the fossil don't exist dumb ass. Nobody saying they don't exist. Follow the argument.


    Since your so smarter than all these other here, you show me the intermediate fossils. Book a trip to the museum and I'll go with and you show me the the missing links. They should be everywhere. That is evolution, not wether a fossil existed.

  9. evolution is not the foundation of science. It a fricking theory.


    So is the Bible....


    There proof outside the Bible that Jesus lived. So once again your wrong.


    Proof.....where? What?


    Want more?


    • Flavius Josephus (A.D. 37-100) wrote a monumental history, Antiquities of the Jews, in which he referred to Jesus twice. In section 18.3.3 he called Jesus "the Christ" and wrote of His "marvelous deeds." In section 20.9.1 he referred to the trial of James and identified him as the "the brother of Jesus, the so-called Christ."


    • Pliny the Younger, governor of Bithynia (in northern Turkey), wrote a letter (Epistle X.96) to Roman Emperor Trajan (c. A.D. 112) seeking counsel on how to deal with Christians whose practice it was to meet on appointed days to sing a hymn "to Christ as if to God."


    • Cornelius Tacitus was a Roman historian who, in his Annals (XV.44, c. A.D. 115), wrote of "Christus" (from Christos, Greek for "Christ") who "was executed at the hands of the procurator Pontius Pilate in the reign of Tiberius."


    • Suetonius, the popular Roman writer, about A.D. 120 described how the Emperor Claudius commanded the Jews to depart from Rome for "continually making disturbances at the instigation of Chrestus" (Vita Claudii XXV.4). "Chrestus" is again a corrupted form of Christos (Christ). Luke made reference to this situation in Rome in Acts 18:2.


    During the later part of the second through the fifth centuries, many more historical references to Jesus were made in Jewish rabbinical literature, especially the Talmud. Several prominent pagan philosophers—Celsus, Lucian of Samosata and Porphyry of Tyre—wrote attacks on Jesus, His teachings and followers. Early Christian writers and church leaders—Polycarp (c. A.D. 69-155), Irenaeus (c. A.D. 130-200) and others—wrote extensively about Jesus Christ as well.


    Archaeology has also contributed tremendously to our knowledge of the historicity of Christ through excavations on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and elsewhere in Israel, Turkey, Greece and Rome. These excavations have confirmed the Bible's amazing historical accuracy.


    We seldom hear of anyone challenging the historicity of Muhammad, Confucius or Buddha. But some, challenge the historical existence of Christ. Why is that?


    It is because the true Jesus Christ of the Bible and history makes people feel uncomfortable—even guilty.






  10. Source and proof?


    And you last asked for such source and proof about a book written by men called the bible? Yet, without a shred of either you base entire religions around it? Got it. Amazing how folks can provide no source or proof for one and cling fiercely to it while denying science.


    Who's denying science. Not me. There is a the structure of science that God put in all things. I deny a theory called evolution based on lies. Even that I openly admit I can not prove on way or the other. But unlike evolution there is proof that these men of the Bible you refer to are not made up and did live outside of the Bible. That is undisputed. There were witnesses to Jesus death. Are there I witness to the age of there earth??? Your argument is terrible. You don't want to beleive fine. I'm not trying to convince you. Thats your choice, your responible for yourself. Just like the people of Jesus time wanted proof even after he healed the blind and lame and brought people back to life, you want proof. Well I'm sorry you got your proof. Make your decision and enjoy life for maybe 80 years if your lucky. Its for eternity.

  11. [

    If I answered this I be like the evolutionist telling the earth is this age. Nobody knows. I only have what I think just like the next person.


    When they find tissue and blood vessel in fossils this is not possible and screams that something is not as old as we all been fooled into believing. I don't beleive the earth is millions year old, But that just a beleif like an evolutionist belief that is millions. Neither can be proved.




    Although macro-evolution might have problems and I can see how people don't want to accept it outright, the fact is that humans have been around more than 6000 years - it's more like 100,000 - in the modern form. This is provable via carbon-dating.


    And there are fossils of animals that existed here hundreds of millions of years ago.


    I'm glad the forum wasted hundred of posts arguing with you about macro-evolution when they could have cut to the chase a lot quicker (as I did).


    I conclude by citing Sexy Cocoa... d...a...


    Source and proof?


    You've gotta be kidding, right?






    However, modern technology has produced a major fly in that uniformitarian ointment. A key technical advance, which occurred about 25 years ago, involved the ability to measure the ratio of 14C atoms to 12C atoms with extreme precision in very small samples of carbon, using an ion beam accelerator and a mass spectrometer. Prior to the advent of this accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS) method, the 14C/12C ratio was measured by counting the number of 14C decays. This earlier method was subject to considerable "noise" from cosmic rays.


    The AMS method improved the sensitivity of the raw measurement of the 14C/12C ratio from approximately 1% of the modern value to about 0.001%, extending the theoretical range of sensitivity from about 40,000 years to about 90,000 years. The expectation was that this improvement in precision would make it possible to use this technique to date dramatically older fossil material.1 The big surprise, however, was that no fossil material could be found anywhere that had as little as 0.001% of the modern value!2 Since most of the scientists involved assumed the standard geological time scale was correct, the obvious explanation for the 14C they were detecting in their samples was contamination from some source of modern carbon with its high level of 14C. Therefore they mounted a major campaign to discover and eliminate the sources of such contamination. Although they identified and corrected a few relatively minor sources of 14C contamination, there still remained a significant level of 14C—typically about 100 times the ultimate sensitivity of the instrument—in samples that should have been utterly "14C-dead," including many from the deeper levels of the fossil-bearing part of the geological record


  12. A recent discovery in the field of paleontology has sent shockwaves through the scientific community. Evolutionist Mary H. Schweitzer of North Carolina State University has discovered flexible blood vessels inside the fossilized thighbone of a "68-70 million year old" Tyrannosaurus rex1 from the Hell Creek formation in eastern Montana. Further investigation revealed round microscopic structures that look to be cells inside the hollow vessels. Even to the untrained eye, the tissue samples look as if the animal died recently. Fibrous protein material was dissolved with an enzyme called collegenase, indicating that amino acid sequencing could probably be done (amino acids are the building blocks of protein).


    Although it is too early to make definite statements regarding this stunning and wholly unexpected find, the evidence seems to indicate the T. rex fossil is -- well, young. Young as in just centuries-old, certainly not an age of millions of years. Indeed, Dr. Schweitzer said, "I am quite aware that according to conventional wisdom and models of fossilization, these structures aren't supposed to be there, but there they are. I was pretty shocked."


  13. [

    If I answered this I be like the evolutionist telling the earth is this age. Nobody knows. I only have what I think just like the next person.


    When they find tissue and blood vessel in fossils this is not possible and screams that something is not as old as we all been fooled into believing. I don't beleive the earth is millions year old, But that just a beleif like an evolutionist belief that is millions. Neither can be proved.




    Although macro-evolution might have problems and I can see how people don't want to accept it outright, the fact is that humans have been around more than 6000 years - it's more like 100,000 - in the modern form. This is provable via carbon-dating.


    And there are fossils of animals that existed here hundreds of millions of years ago.


    I'm glad the forum wasted hundred of posts arguing with you about macro-evolution when they could have cut to the chase a lot quicker (as I did).


    I conclude by citing Sexy Cocoa... d...a...


    Source and proof?

  14. Didn't list it there to scare you. Just to make a point it not a place in your mind. But if it does scare you good, your wise.


    Questions for you SH:


    1) how old is planet Earth?

    2) how long have men - in their current form - existed on planet Earth?

    3) upon what do you base your answers to these questions?


    If I answered this I be like the evolutionist telling the earth is this age. Nobody knows. I only have what I think just like the next person.


    When they find tissue and blood vessel in fossils this is not possible and screams that something is not as old as we all been fooled into believing. I don't beleive the earth is millions year old, But that just a beleif like an evolutionist belief that is millions. Neither can be proved.

  15. If evolution is a fact it still doesn't disprove the existence of God. Neither does retroviral DNA insertions, the laws of gravity, quarks, people with vestigal tails, the dinosaurs, galaxies a hundred thousand light years away, string theory, or even TTK's hermaphroditic titties.


    An omnipotent Creator can of course have created the laws of nature that science observes, and science does not disprove the Creator.


    As for the question of why teach evolution in secondary school - Eric B is 100% correct. It's not that damn important. The fact is our public education system sucks ass as it is, and we would do well to focus on the basics anyway, and evolution is a small subject in a large ocean of knowledge that should be taught. Personally, I studied evolution in 10th grade as a part of AP Biology, and even then it was one very small part of a large curriculum. Moreover, to say we must teach it because it is science is nonsense, and a non sequitur. We can teach whatever the hell we want to teach and that should be decided at the local level.


    Your correct on the first count. That's because one is religion and one is science. Faith is what it is, it does not require any backup - and that's fine for those who choose to adhere to their beliefs. But science and religion don't, and should not, mix.


    And if you're pinning the foundations of evolution on a high school science course, well I would agree that your school did not teach it well - or maybe you were as open minded as you are now. Evolution is not just some trival side show in biology. It is the foundation of ecology, biology, many components of medicine and genetics, animal husbandry, (except in Enumclaw), crop science, etc. No scientist would say that belief in evolution negates belief in God. But the Christian right, for whatever reason, believes that faith in God eliminates adhernce to a scientific theory that has withstood scruinity for 150 years.


    I'd sugget two books to read: "The Panda's Thumb" and "Letter to a Christian Nation"



    evolution is not the foundation of science. It a fricking theory. Science can stand on it own with out the theories of evolution.

  16. If any of you would read the Inferno you'd know that Dante saw some former Popes and other religious folks in hell. Having religious credentials may not save you from Cerberus.





    "Many will come to me and say 'Father, Father, have I not done great things for you, and I will say, 'Depart from me, for you have never known me. For when I was hungrey you never fed me, when I was thursty you never gave me drink, when I was in prison you never visited me'".


    When GOD tells you, "Depart from me...." that will be hell.

    When GOD tells you, "Come to you rest my good and faithfull servent." That will be pure heaven.


    It is a heart issue.





    Think it more than a heart issue. There plenty more warning of hell if you want it.


    "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." (Revelation 20:10)


    Matthew 25:41 (Jesus speaking to people at final judgment), ...Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.


    Revelation 14:11, And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night...


    Revelation 20:12, 15, And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life...And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire


    Matthew 10:28, And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


    Luke 12:5, But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which AFTER he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him


    Matthew 25:46, And these shall go away into EVERLASTING punishment: but the righteous into life eternal


    II Thessalonians 1:9 Who shall be punished with EVERLASTING destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power


    Isaiah 66:24, And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be abhorring unto all flesh.


    Jude 7, Sodom and Gomorrha...are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire


    Great quotes that I remember from my first visit to a church when I was about ten. I was raised as an atheist and a friend got a candybar for bringing me to church. She did not share it with me by the way. I got nothing but a fire and brimstone lecture like that above. I remember thinking that this guy was truely insane. It sticks with me today - the irony of using fear to bring you to God when it is not watching out for number 1 that ultimately gets you to heaven.


    Didn't list it there to scare you. Just to make a point it not a place in your mind. But if it does scare you good, your wise.

  17. If any of you would read the Inferno you'd know that Dante saw some former Popes and other religious folks in hell. Having religious credentials may not save you from Cerberus.





    "Many will come to me and say 'Father, Father, have I not done great things for you, and I will say, 'Depart from me, for you have never known me. For when I was hungrey you never fed me, when I was thursty you never gave me drink, when I was in prison you never visited me'".


    When GOD tells you, "Depart from me...." that will be hell.

    When GOD tells you, "Come to you rest my good and faithfull servent." That will be pure heaven.


    It is a heart issue.





    Think it more than a heart issue. There plenty more warning of hell if you want it.


    "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." (Revelation 20:10)


    Matthew 25:41 (Jesus speaking to people at final judgment), ...Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.


    Revelation 14:11, And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night...


    Revelation 20:12, 15, And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life...And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire


    Matthew 10:28, And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.


    Luke 12:5, But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which AFTER he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him


    Matthew 25:46, And these shall go away into EVERLASTING punishment: but the righteous into life eternal


    II Thessalonians 1:9 Who shall be punished with EVERLASTING destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power


    Isaiah 66:24, And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be abhorring unto all flesh.


    Jude 7, Sodom and Gomorrha...are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire



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