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Posts posted by cheamclimber

  1. Lastly and in regards to your height-to-weight ratio, you need to start eating food soon otherwise you're likely break/expire from the elements the first time you stray more than 50 m from the car.


    Does that mean I am fu**ed then, at 190 lb, and 6'5"? Should I just stay at home? :)


    I'm really screwed than at 5ft 10' and 125 pounds

  2. Theres a spur road that goes up the valley towards stewart after passing the lake. At the fork in the spur road take the lower road and at the end bushwack your way down the valley towards the valley floor and then up the other side towards stewart. In the winter and spring the crap in the valley should be filled with snow and make the approach relatively easy.... its a cool spot so go there but DONT CLIMB THE RIB...its mine! I just need to find someone else who wants to climb it now...hint hint

  3. on Stewart Peak in the Cheam Range there is the North Butress and to the left of that there is a long rib of rock between two snowy gullies. Does anybody know if this rib has been climbed?





    The original photo was taken by G-Spotter.

    The red arrows point at the rib in question, the obvious butress to the right in the North Butress and the snowy gully is the NE Couloir.

  4. Hey, the BD Cyborgs look like wicked crampons for waterfall ice and mixed climbing but will they be comfortable to walk around in and will the be good for more moderate alpine routes? Thanks!



  5. I think the route takes the butress on the left side of the face and is mostly call 4 but the approach would be crappy. I would take a snowmobile up the road (slesse) But I would do it in a weekend trip along with American Border Peak and the Canadian Border Peak

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