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Posts posted by cheamclimber

  1. I went up the fraser canyon to climb some ice, just past hells gate there was a coll loking climb but it had a bug hole in it and you would probably die or something if you attempted it, I ice bouldered around Lake of the Woods and then soloed some ice at the juction of hwy 9 anf hwy 7 in Agassiz... fun stuff there

  2. Me and Mike Warn drove up to Hells Gate today to climb some ice but the one route that looked sweet had a huge hole of running water and looked scary climbing around it... so we went and bouldered around by Lake of the Woods. After I got home Iwent to the juction of hwy 9 and hwy 7 and soloed 3/4 p a steep ice formation there but backed off the final 10 ft of it. Do u know anything about this place? It was pretty fun and some bigger climbs look like thay could form with a longer cold spell.

  3. That could be approached from the cheam trailhead by hiking around the shoulder of lady peak and then down the glacier. I've done something like that before but we didnt go down the glacier very far. Too bad about he avy hazard though..

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