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About snowhonkey

  • Birthday 10/05/1980


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snowhonkey's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Fake!!! Kevo, come on we know your fat ass can't do a 20 minute approach.... J/K, nice work
  2. what route are you thinking of doing?
  3. Been climbing ice for a while but always looking for new partners. I lead up to WI4 do some mixed. I'm a weekend warrior too so let me know if you want to do some climb'n cheers
  4. Hola, Just moved to Oly from B'ham and am looking for some new climbing partners @ the gym and beyond. I have a membership to the warehouse gym and would like to do some leading there to get back into shape; I used to lead sport in the 10 range(a few months ago), though right now I'm leading in the 5.suck range. So if you're down to do some climbing or just drink some beer drop me a line. cheers, Branden 3six0- two2zero-zero6eight9
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