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Posts posted by flyingpig

  1. Lead climbing should always be somewhat spicy. If it is to run out for you then there is always top roping (WHICH I RESPECT). Kevin i diagree with you. Climbing is not for everyone, otherwise they would build a staircase to the top of K2 so everybody could stand on top of the world.

  2. e-rock,


    your right. this thread is no longer funny. RuMR was never funny (hence the banana hammock jokes). i have a freind named d-rock his name is derrick. your name must be eric. why don't you step it up? maybe we can all learn something from you.



    I've done all that I challenged you to do, more times in spray than I care to recall. My contributions to spray, though not without reproach, do amount to a fairly impressive resume of ACTUAL humor.


    so you are saving the actual humor for another thread.

  3. ya know flyingpig seems to be a total wank but kevbone does seem to get the gist of spray. he's sort of OK...lets leave him on the island.


    kevbone--you happened to ask a question in the main forum that has a history of evoking a lot of strong reactions. there's a lot of good info and good answers to questions on this board. enjoy spray but don't miss out on the other stuff it has to offer.


    hey minx, just cause your dad bought the uniforms doesn't mean that you get to play.

  4. either that or he's a FUPA fan


    FUPA - Flying Up Pig's Ass



    Yep, they're fanatics


    now thats funny, but before you fly up the pig can i borrow de crisco.

  5. This has degraded into most weak-sauce battle-cage ever. If fuckingpig and kevbone (no need to parody THAT handle) want to spray than start SPRAYING, FUCKTARDS! Generate some inside jokes that last a few weeks, pick a fight with someone about an issue that actually matters, rather than the size of your banana hammock. In short, step it up, this place is dying and even RUMR is degenerating into an adolescent nincompoop (rather than just a chubby, short, adult, nincompoop) by spraying with the likes of you two latent pedophiles!!!!!!!!!!





    your right. this thread is no longer funny. RuMR was never funny (hence the banana hammock jokes). i have a freind named d-rock his name is derrick. your name must be eric. why don't you step it up? maybe we can all learn something from you.

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