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Gumby (1/14)



  1. here are some pics of the west side of banks on the 20th.
  2. We did a four pitch route on west side of banks lake saturday the 20th. We brought a drill and checked thickness of ice a couple of times and it was four to six inches thick the whole way. The climb was WI 4-5.
  3. I would say mostly 11a with some hard 11. The hard spots are bolted or good pro at your waist. The 12a is more like hard 11 and its only a few thin moves to good holds. I imagine the 12a rating felt right at the time when they were on steep unexplored terrain. This climb is definitely worth doing.
  4. Great route! We climbed it in the fall of 2002. Climbing well at the time so it was doable for the grade. Good pro, lots of fun pitches and a great line. The crux for me was the first fifteen feet of the 12a pitch- the 5-11 slab traverse. The bolts in the face gave courage- thanks Burdo.
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