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Everything posted by StevenSeagal

  1. The problem is that trying to debate this nut job is lose-lose. Agreeing with him confirms what he already knew. Disagreeing with him also confirms what he already knows which is that almost everyone is insane, except for him, as he is part of a very small- one might say elite?- group of the woke who are on to what “they” are doing and he has learned all of it from neo Nazi websites and citations from discredited wackos like veterinarians, osteopaths, naturopaths, and disgraced former academics who somehow got a PhD but have been stripped of their teaching and medical credentials for gross misconduct and spreading disinformation. In addition, disagreeing with him violates his first amendment rights and elevates him further into the victimhood status that he thrives on. The only appropriate interaction with him is open ridicule, At least that’s fun.
  2. You are making the mistake of assuming that this guy is capable of picking up on normal social cues. In a year or two, it won't matter that none of his predictions will have come to fruition, either. Conspiracy kooks are masters at deflecting and moving on to a new story. No amount of being wrong is a deterrent.
  3. The Daily Stormer takes its name from the Nazi Party's tabloid newspaper Der Stürmer,[1][32][33] known for its virulently antisemitic caricatures of Jews and semi-pornography involving Jews raping young Aryan girls.[34][35] Its publisher, Julius Streicher, was executed after the Second World War for crimes against humanity.[34] The Southern Poverty Law Center described the site as "the newest up and comer in the heated competition to rule the hate web", which "has in the last six months [up to March 2015] often topped the oldest and largest hate site on the web, Stormfront, in terms of reachand page views, based on Alexa data".[25]Anglin claimed in May 2016 that the website's traffic had doubled over the last six months, peaking at 120,000 daily visitors.[36] The website is part of the alt-right movement, and it calls itself "The World’s Most Visited Alt-Right Website". As the movement made headlines in mid-2016, "bolstered in part by the unexpected rise of Donald Trump and Britain's decision to leave the European Union", Anglin declared: "We won the meme war; now we've taken over the GOP, and we did this very, very quickly."[6] Unlike other figures such as Milo Yiannopoulos, Anglin does not play down the extremist elements in the alt-right, stating that: "The goal is to ethnically cleanse White nations of non-Whites and establish an authoritarian government. Many people also believe that the Jews should be exterminated".[37] Bold italic emphasis mine for the guy who quotes this website as a source of information while warning us about an impending dictatorship.
  4. “I have read a source...” The Daily Stormer is an American far-right, neo-Nazi, white supremacist, misogynist, and Holocaust denial commentary and message board website that advocates for a second genocide of Jews.[1][2][3][4][5] It considers itself a part of the alt-right movement.[6] Its editor, Andrew Anglin, founded it on July 4, 2013, as a faster-paced replacement for his previous website Total Fascism, which had focused on his own long-form essays on fascism, race, and antisemitic conspiracy theories. In contrast, The Daily Stormer relies heavily on quoted material with exaggerated headlines.[7]
  5. The "conservatives" you are referring to are the second coming of the Confederacy, and they have excommunicated every reasonable conservative from the GOP. The conservatives you refer to have no interest in governing, they are interested in power.
  6. It's also painfully obvious that you don't even know what communism, or fascism, is, if you think that what we are living under currently is communism, and if you are unable to recognize the fascism in the leader and his group of sycophants that we just voted out, fairly. When the GOP holds a convention and states the official party platform as "whatever the leader decides", that might be your first clue which direction that party is heading. And yet you sound very much like their contemporary, unhinged, rank and file. Screaming "communism" in protest of things like proposals of affordable health care, regulating polluting industries, and encouraging people to vote, is a feature, not a bug, of far right wing kooks. The rest of your claims are just more delusional arm flailing. Seek help.
  7. The fact that you think being thrown off of a privately owned hiking forum violated your 1st amendment rights shows how little understanding you have of the constitution. The fact that you parrot the rhetoric of the one of our political parties that just encouraged an insurrection to overturn a fair election, that has openly stated that the will of the majority (e.g. democracy) cannot be allowed in the USA because it would be unfair to fringe conservatives, is currently passing laws to suppress voter turnout, and which has fully embraced a massive disinformation campaign supported by foreign adversaries, suggests that you yourself are in fact immersed in a "human influence operation".
  8. The insistence on having a government that sets policy according to “Christian principles”, or the principles of any specific religion, is the antithesis of giving people free will. You are very much against the people having freedom or free will of any kind. When you speak of “rights”, what you really mean is your right to suppress the choices and rights of others through codified bigotry under the deceptive guise of “religious freedom”. People who are truly free scare the shit out of people like you. You and countless other zealots throughout history have confused your own enthusiasm for your chosen system of belief with a belief that you know what’s best for everyone else and that it’s your divinely inspired mission to save the rest of us. In addition, you are completely delusional and detached from reality. People like you should never, ever, be allowed near a position of power.
  9. Also: "using pro, and anchors, is what scared, brainwashed sheeple use, having been deluded into slavery by the overlords at the elite climbing gear manufacturers engaged in 5th generational warfare. My running out this entire pitch that is 3 letter grades over my limit is what's best for you right now. Off belay."
  10. For sure, and with a little help from everyone on here, there's only about 45 more pages to go in here in order to catch up to The Nodder thread!
  11. If he had/has an office job, he’s the guy who’s been repeatedly called into his supervisors office for harassing his coworkers, not doing his job, and using company internet for personal web surfing for his “research”. Just try to imagine hiking, or worse, climbing with him, where getting away from him would be harder. Which explains why he needs to plaster forums with his psychosis since every one of his mountain outings invariably ends up as a solo adventure. I have an old high school friend who I haven’t seen in years but he’s a conspiracy guy. He actually sent me a video last summer of what he claimed was “Antifa starting the Oregon wildfires with a drone”. It was a video of a USFS helitack crew conducting a heli-torch firing operation. I also get similar links as above, which I delete without reading. My friends and I try to talk sense into him but he is impenetrable. In 1999 he moved to rural Tennessee to escape the “coming apocalypse” of Y2K, moving home later when it didn’t happen and with some weird excuse about why it didn’t. He recently got fired from his job. I should introduce him to DanO.
  12. Alternatively- a term you seem to embrace- you violated the terms of service of a privately owned service (the use of which is free), and you’re too fucking stupid and entitled to understand what the first amendment covers and what it does not.
  13. It's so baffling as to why Dan got thrown off of a hiking forum for squirting this diarrhea all over it.
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