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Posts posted by StreetBoss

  1. Alpinism, mountaineering, ski mountaineering, and ice climbing are keeping me a bogus rock climber. Should I just eat WAY less to stay up with my sporto buddies that train year round on campus boards with weight belts and the like?


    One old friend of mine (a former world cup competitor) said she wouldn't do any approach longer than 30 minutes for fear her legs would get to big.

    It's quite a curse for those of us that like to climb everything but suck at everything (like I do). Does it just come down to diet?


    Jens...it's way more than just diet. I eat ice cream evey freaking day. Long story I'll tell you about it sometime.


    Anyway, train right - stay away from campus boards. Stop doing pull ups. Train your core, and dont miss your plastic workout.


  2. hmm..I was just in New York City and brother there are little to NO bicycles on the road for good reason - they'r targets.


    When I see bikes in the morning on very congested roads with everyone only focused on their make-up, latte, celly, balckberry or wacking off I have to admit that's taking your life in your own hands.


    Sorry for your crash..rant on.



  3. Waterguy: Are you a Rocket Scientist?


    The whole E Coast isn't all bad, just the parts where the people are.


    I'm saying it was all bad. Just, they don't have what we do.


    btw - I used to work as a Rocket Science Project Manager. These guys were at the top to the geek food chain, with T-shirts that said "Yes I AM a Rocket Scientist" :noway:





  4. I just returned from a week visiting family and friends in New York City. OMFG what a place. I thought I was in the Godfather IV late one night in Little Italy at a hole in the wall (absolutely awesome food!) restuarant when some guys in suits escorted this guy out who looked very scared where ever he was going.


    Stayed in a hotel that overlooked Times Square. Can anyone identify the smell of the subway? The women are so HOT and friendly. But bottom line. No mountains. No easy access to climbing. Sure they have the Gunks. But I think we have it all right here.


    Hail to the NorthWest :brew:



  5. I've been in what you call phenominal shape as well, and convinced myself I was on the cutting edge of training. I was staying away from anything "unnatural" or from anything that had "chemicals" so as not to hurt my body. Yeah body fat was at minimal levels and had wonderful benefits.


    But I couldn't keep up with it and it seems that the folks I know who've had the same experience have something that breaks the cycle of training. Mine was getting married. Your's was getting sick.


    The funny thing...I've put on (what I would call) a few extra pounds but I feel so much better. Rest, a balanced diet and a stable life has served me well. Good luck.

  6. I was bored after a run yesterday and sat down to read Alan Watts guide to Smith. Totally motivated me to climb. Best guide written.


    Made me think...when I first began climbing I was inspired by Dick Bass climbing the seven summits - I immediated put together a climb of McKinley and Aconcagua. Nelson's first guide came out and I nearly climbed the entire book in a couple of years. I read an article in Climibng about awesome peaks in Peru so I went there for three months and knocked off loads of climbs. I talked to some friends as they trained for a 50 mile, then a 100 mile run - so I was inspired to run a marathon.


    What get's you going? Just talking to the phat man RuMr helps keep me motivated to climb hard.....



  7. more gym pet peeves:


    1) dudes buck naked in the locker room sitting on a bunch with their nuts hanging down, chatting with their g.f. on a cell phone


    2) dudes buck naked using the urinal and stepping all over the urine splatter (less a pet peeve and more a gross-out factor)



    TOTALLY agee :yoda:

  8. I hate those gay wanks at the climbing gym that seem to think that traversing under a roped climber is OK. Then they get bent out of shape when I tell them to go around.


    Or how about those gay stanky wanks that boulder with bare feet...gross...



  9. Best all arounder? Steve house.


    Messner would skunk House hands down...how many 8000er's has House solo'd without oxygen??


    bah ha ha


    Ever heard of Steve Swenson doucebags???? Yeah Messner is/was THE man (he even was a rad rock climber before the toes were cut off) but all around. Hands down Steve is DA MAN


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