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Everything posted by KatKlimber

  1. We ran into Tom Horbein "hiking" up Poo Poo Point (to paraglide jump off). He and Jack Baker and friend passed us while we were dumping brush/logs onto a lazy fat sucker shortcut switch back (cursing long and loud). They applauded our efforts and continued on. We passed them later as we motored on up the trail. Perhaps it was the demented gleam in our eye, who knows, but somehow conversation ensued and the topic turned to climbing. Tom (he still hadn't introduced himself) asked what WE had done in the N. Cascades. I demured and said I wasn't going to talk about what I had done in the presence of someone who had done so much. My husband piped up at that point and said, "Are you Tom Hornbein?". He replied yes and then immediately introduced his friends. We chatted a little more. The guy is incredibly modest and a real class act. Their (with W. Unsoeld) feat is probably one of the greatest in mountaineering history in my opinion. It was a thrill and honor to meet him and shake his hand.
  2. We use to do this as an "opening season hurray" way back when (early 90s). Just to make sure we were in shape for climbing season. We would leave Paradise around midnight and get back between 10 and noon. If the Muir snowfield is frozen solid and irregular footing, it can be quite tiresome. We carried a stove up to Muir for melting water (and leave it as you suggest)and would usually lie down for about 30 minutes or so. Just as a conditioning reference, it would take us (hubby and myself) 3 hours to Muir from Paradise carrying a full (overnight+climbing gear) pack. I'm older and wiser now . Have fun!
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