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Everything posted by climbandride

  1. Planning on heading down to Smith Thursday evening from Bremerton and climbing through Sunday with a friend, if you wanna meet up. RUMR>>Sorry bout last Wed. It's been wild here... Why don't you ditch the fam for the weekend and hit the rock with all of us? Yeah right, eh?
  2. Man, that'd totally rock! Right now, I have a weekend of climbing at Smith pllaned-- the weekend prior to RRR, then hopefully will be heading out Wednesday the 15th or Thursday the 16th early am. I've planned to climb with my Smith Rocks partner on the 18th or 19th, but I'd totally love to hook up and maybe get in a nice climb on the Velvet wall or???
  3. As of right now I plan on going, but we'll see. I have a wall to redo, garage to clean, stuff like that to get done before the 21st. It also depends on who I'd be climbing with, since I don't have the energy and am not ambitious enough to teach my newbie friend how to clean. I just don't know if I trust him enough...yet
  4. I'm climbing... If I wasn't climbing, I'd be on my road bike for a couple days of nice, long riding. It's not muddy enough for mtn biking.
  5. Post deleted by climbandride
  6. Ok, no Hawaii. He has duty all day and can't get off. I HATE THE NAVY!!!! They just screw the competent people over! AAAARRRGGGGHHHHH! Ok, let's climb! (360)920-4007
  7. God Damnit! It's starting to rain this morning (2/4) I hate this weather! Maybe I should just go ahead and fly over to Hawaii! Atleast it'll be sunny and I can surf??!!
  8. Would love to, but I'm planning to be there on the 19th or so...If you're wanting to climb then...
  9. I'm totally down to climb... I am DYING to get on the rock! Indoors is just killing me! What time? Oh, 24/f here
  10. No, you're right, it's March... I goofed... Only one per year, as of yet.
  11. Coming from Bremerton... Weather.com said it was supposed to be a nice weekend (as of 2/2) and the forecast I heard on the radio for the weekend said there was potential for it to be overcast, but mostly sunny.
  12. Looking for someone to hit Index or possibly North Bend with this weekend. It's supposed to be great weather, so let's get on the precious rock! Trad or sport (obviously trad if at Index), I just want to play!
  13. Uh, I have the 21st to the 25th off from teaching with mid-winter break and all, so I could do a mid week thing. I'd really like to hit Exit 38 for some quality time, but it'll probably be too wet, still. Let me know and I can work my other work schedule around that week if you want to play during the week.
  14. Hey, that's my line! There's two of us driving, so we can take turns sleeping and driving. How long did it take you to drive down and what route(s) did you take? I'm thinking of hitting Frenchman's Coulee the weekend of the uhmmmm, 18th, if you want to meet up. It should be somewhat dry and slightly warmer over there. Mellisa
  15. I've never done any aid, so I would probably tend to stay away from it, but there's some great stuff that's smaller multi pitch--3 or 4 pitches on the same wall as the Prince of Darkness. If I'm correct, that's the Velvet wall. We're planning on driving, but unless my buddy who is going can get an extra day off on the way down, it's gonna be straight and hard driving. I have to be back by about 2pm on the 21st, as my boyfriend is returning home from 3 months at sea. He's super jealous he can't go with me to RR, so I'd hate to add to it by not being home when he arrives in port. Anyway, I'm game on another weekend hooking up and hitting City of Rocks or even meeting up at Vantage, Exit 38/32, or Levenworth to get a lil climbing in. Let me know. Mellisa
  16. Uhmmm, what type of climbing? Well, I'm comfortable on anything through 11's for sport--following, but leading, mid 10's, although it could be more by them; and trad, pretty much anything through mid 10's, although I'm game to try most anything. I've spent quite a bit of time on some of the sport walls there, and have found that even the 5.8 multi trad multi present quite nice questions and are great fun, so I'm game for whatever. I figure that with my current training schedule, I should be leading 11's sport without any trouble. Mellisa
  17. Whoops... I goofed... It's March 18-21, not April... DOH! Sorry all
  18. Is anyone out there headed to the Red Rocks Rendzvous April 18-21? It's put on by Mountain Gear--out of Spokane. I'm headed down with a friend that I just introduced to climbing, so I'm not sure if he'll be up to doing a whole lot. This means I'll be looking for others to climb with in the Canyon. (The major sport walls will be in use with clinics and such.) Also, if there is anyone out there who went to the first annual party last year, I'd love to get your input. I figure that even if the clinics and comps aren't great, Red Rocks always kicks ass and the parties should definately rock! Anyway, if you have input either way, hit me up! Mellisa
  19. Man, I wish I didn't have to work, cuz I'd be there in a heart beat! If there's a weekend that's half way decent and you want to hit the rock, let me know!
  20. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Rookie of the Year: Outside Magazine voted Bellingham the best outdoor sport city in the country. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I went to school in Bellingham and had a rough time leaving. If you can find a decent job, the people are incredible, not to mention that you have one of the most outstanding mountains in the country for BC, or just in bounds skiing/snowboarding. And it's rough to find anything even close in quality in terms of climbing to Squamish, BC; just an hour and a half away, plus there's Manning, Hemlock (on a really good year), and all of the BC mountains that rock! From what I've gathered (not my own experience), Squamish is the next best thing to Yosemite for all around, but then that's all NW people talking. And to whoever said that the college girls are ugly, they obviously didn't hang with our crew team! WOW! Oh wait, I was on crew, so I'm included.:)I strongly suggest you check out the area. Whatcom County is absolutely magnificent!
  21. I just want someone/some people to climb with whenever. Either inside or out--as the weather gets progressively nicer. I'm down with trad or sport, even bouldering, although I haven't had the opportunity to try bouldering outside. I can lead a solid 10 sport, and trad uh, about a 9, but I'm willing to climb with anyone that is "safe" and willing to try anything--rating wise. You never know what is possible, unless you try! I'm a PE teacher for K-7 and a TA for 1st and 2nd grades. Unfortunately, it's not what I'd like to be doing for a living and sorry, no drugs. Coffee on occassion, but if anything, I should be taking something to mellow me out, since I get minimal amounts of sleep at night. Oh well.
  22. Oh, I have many hobbies... I still run or cycle 5 days a week, still have my horse that I teach on and compete on the A circuit with, not to mention that I try to get on the mountain on skis or my board every weekend, play soccer on Wednesday nights and then I coach track in the spring... I definately have not given anything up to climb. I tend to do so many things decently that I wonder how good I could be at one thing if I just focused on it. Hmmmm... what a thought to ponder.
  23. I'm trying to screw everything and just climb, since I seem to be decent at it. I have a lot of upper body strength and long arms and legs, which seems to occasionally work against me, but I'm now starting to lap 11's at the gym and climbing 6 days a week for 2-4 hours a night is heaven for me! Maybe I should get rid of my climbing partner/boyfriend more often?
  24. I'm down with a lil road trip... where are you? When the weather warms up a bit--hopefully soon, except IN the mts, I'd like to spend a weekend at Frenchmen's.
  25. My climbing partner left for a few months and I'm looking for someone to meet up with this winter and into the spring. I'm a chick (I was told to add that) who has been climbing for just under a year, consistently climbing high 10's, with some low 11's and occassionally, some upper 11's. I can lead sport without any problems and just started trad this past summer, so I'm not as strong there, but it's coming. I'm currently in Bremerton, have a membership to VW, am off work by 2:30 daily, weekends free (except for skiing/snowboarding and occassionally horse shows) and just back training 4-5 days a week after a couple months off. I have access to a complete rack--trad and sport, so if anyone wants to climb in or out, let me know.
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