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Everything posted by Bushwhacker

  1. Excellent post TBay.
  2. If, at this point, you still can't tell what my argument is, then you've got far greater problems than global warming. Ignore pollution? I ride my bike to work instead of driving my car to reduce the effects I'm having on pollution -- not global warming. Are we reading the same post?
  3. These are statements .. WHERE'S THE BEEF? Anyone can make these statements without proof .. it's what the treehuggers have been doing for years trying to perpetuate their claims. But until you or the folks in that report show me how you/they came to those conclusions, you're going to get criticism from folks like me who require more proof that Santa exists besides merely my parents telling me so.
  4. My Charlet Moser Hammer fell out of my tool tube on the ridge between Torment and the Inspiration Glacier. I would really like to have this back if you come upon it. Thanks for being honest.
  5. I challenge you to find a scientistic who is concerned with the issue who refutes this logic. In fact, this is a major part of the great debate. The fact that we can't know if this is merely a period of climatic fluctuation as is normal with Astral bodies in the solar system, or whether the cause is something more sinister such as the burning of fossil fuels is what constitutes the largest portion of the entire debate. I think we've got some more studying to do before we jump to conclusions .. like perhaps several generations worth. Another way to put it: If, in 40 years, the average temperature of Earth plummetted over 40 degrees, wouldn't that leave the global warming conspiracists feeling a little confused? This is why time spent researching is critical.
  6. I never said we shouldn't be studying it. I said there is no proof of the purported correlation between human activity and "global warming". The silly statement, "Weeping for the glaciers" implies absolute knowledge that human's are causing "global warming". Maybe you should read more carefully.
  7. What does that mean .. being handheld? Is that like a handheld walkie talkie? A handheld PDA? By your post you sound like you want to know more than everyone else on the subject, but you don't .. that's why we're debating it still. Show me the PROOF .. there has, as of yet, been no person on the face of the earth, no report that has ever been published that PROVES an outright correlation between humans and what tree huggers like to label as global warming.
  8. As it stands, you didn't refute any of my points geek. I didn't say anything about humans knowing about humans .. I asked how you could possibly know in 40 years (irrefutably a small percentage of the time this Earth has been in orbit) what factors are causing the period of climatic fluctuation that we are currently in. So if you were attempting to invalidate my last assertion by publishing the senseless rhetoric in your last post, you failed. Try again? You see, there is a huge difference between humans digging up fossils and presenting them as evidence that Dinosaurs roamed the earth and the current "debate" on global warming. This is, I guess, what is fueling the great debate on this subject. Where are your fossils (ie your tangible evidence) that would PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt that "global warming" is caused by human factors? Wild assertions and speculation doesn't count in the realm of absolute proof.
  9. It's funny how folks jump to conclusions on things so quickly (ie Global Warming). We could study "global warming" for 10,000 solid years and still not have a reliable grasp on what is causing Earth's climatic fluctuations. The Earth has been around for Billions of years. One BILLION is a thousand million. One million is a thousand thousand. Do we really think we've got ANY kind of answers after a mere 40 years of studies? Those who claim to have any kind of answers about what factors are causing this particular climatic fluctuation (one of many THOUSAND fluctuation cycles that this Earth has undergone in its long history) are only fooling themselves. Why weep for the glaciers? Weep because it affects route selection and beauty at certain times of year, not because we humans are having a negative impact on them .. because there's certainly not sufficient proof to substantiate that claim.
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