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Posts posted by DirtyHarry

  1. "The researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine say overweight people cause excess greenhouse gas emissions because they eat more than thin people and are more likely to travel by car."


    You could say the same thing about alpinists.



  2. My point in saying this is that if you look through my TRs on CC.com (better yet here) you'll notice that I'm more than capable of hanging with most on your site in the backcountry but I don't make the mistake of not pursing a good backpacking trip or hike b/c it's not technical.


    awesome! a never ending artesian well of chestbeat!


    Wow. Hikers are so insecure.




    Hey Tvash,

    I'm not asking,....

    And you don't have to tell,...


    I was just wondering why you don't ever dump on Ivan's posts the way you do everybody elses'.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.....


    Perhaps its because you and KK leave yourselves open for such witty repartee.

  4. If we are the World's Policeman it would be cool if we could be Crockett from Crocket & Tubbs on Miami Vice and wear stylish 80's threads and live on a sail boat. And have a sweet Phill Collins / Genesis soundtrack when we made drug busts.

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