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Posts posted by gotterdamerung

  1. I'd fight for something I believed in. I don't believe in Bush, so I won't fight his stupid war. You don't believe in Kerry, so you won't fight for him. What's the difference?


    So what do you believe in? Please enlighten me. I don't fight for Bush and I've said several times that I don't like him anymore than some of you do. I suggest you pick up some books and start reading. I would start with some of the more recent terrorist manifestos published out there to see exactly what some of their aims are. CNN.com does not constitute informed literature.

  2. In Heinlein's 'Starship Troopers' only people who have served their country are called citizens and given the right to vote.


    Heinlein has also had his hero travel back in time to have sex with his mother and advocated for bisexual promiscuity, so you might reconsider who you want to script your ideal society for you.


    I liked your last name better, this one is a little too melodramatic.


    I'm not familiar with those works, nor was I advocating his general philosophy now was I? Apparentally YOU are quite well versed however.

  3. No, I work for myself. I am one of those breed you are all so eager to call mercenary around these parts. In Heinlein's 'Starship Troopers' only people who have served their country are called citizens and given the right to vote. It gives them a broader perspective and a sense of what it means to sacrifice. Sounds like a good idea to me. JoshK welcome to the 99% club emoticon_finger.gif

  4. It really isn't an issue among the military crowd. No one here is going to hang around if Kerry gets in office. The plain fact is that he became the poster boy for the anti war movement. NOW, when it is convenient he want to play up his service.

  5. Unlike about 99% of the posters here who beat their various drums about combat records I've been in combat several times. I live in a combat site 24/7. I say John Kerry and his actions are nothing special. Ribbons were passed out like candy during the Vietnam conflict to counteract declining morale stemming from the same source (War Protesters) that this American "Hero" later propagated so vehemently. If he wins the presidency I plan on stepping aside and letting some of you Kerry supporters come over and do YOUR part to support YOUR president.


    Here's some helpful hints in advance. Trust no one other than the guy on your left and right holding an M4. Watch people's hands and not their faces. Look at their waist area and pant legs for evidence of bulging weapons or explosives. Remember, kids are often duped into throwing IED's into motorcades. Don't move at night on roads. If it isn't blowing across the road, don't run over it. Good luck. wave.gif

  6. Matt, in fact you are wrong by saying that SOME of the Tartars (Mongols) never converted to Islam. I will reference and post the names of several Tarter chieftans who converted to Islam once they had settled lands in current Syria and Iraq. These converts were an essential part of the reason ibn Tammiyah first began to preach the doctrine of Jihad and right adherance to Islamic rule.


    There was a saying during the 13th century referring to the Mongols conquests.


    "There was no eye left open for which to weep for the dead"


    This was not an exaggeration either. The Caliph who surrendered Baghdad in 1258 and his family were wrapped in rugs and trampled by the Tartar horsemen.


    I would also like to mention that if you have studied the aims of Al Qaeda and many terrorist organizations similar to it that they do not consider the Zionist nation to be of much consequence. They do play a part in the whole ideology, but the essence states that no man, woman, child who does not adhere strictly to the laws of Allah is an abomination against God and will be punished through Jihad. Jihad is the rightful murder of those opposed to God (Allah). Even if tomorrow the US disavows Israel it will not deter terrorism from continuing their plague of destruction. They will not rest until every man, woman, and child is converted or destroyed. So before you go and try to send Israel to the wolves remember they are the strongest, most powerful military deterrent we have in the middle east. You view them as some kind of rouge nation and they see themselves fighting for their very existense which is not far from the truth. Furthermore, hardened terrorists see little distinction between the Crusaders of old and you sitting in front of your computer right now in Redmond Washington. YOU are their target.

  7. I do believe the Arab world was most thoroughly pillaged by the Mongol hoards. Something the Christian Crusaders were never able to accomplish. Baghdad was burned to the ground and 800,000 people were put to the sword during this period.


    The initial perversion of Islam was created by the intertwining of politics and religion during the Mongols dominance. Many Mongol rulers accepted a distilled version of Islamic faith as their own. Politics and Islam was something the writings of the Quran explicitly rejected because politics infer reverance to mans law and not the law of Allah. Egypt was the first power to accept the concept of seperation of Religion and State.


    Ever since then certain religious clerics have been perverting their own interpretations to suit their needs according to the current situation. Muslims believe that it is their religious duty for all to fight against an invader who occupies even one inch of Muslim territory. The doctrines Al Qaeda proposes can be traced back to about 1200 A.D.


    I am continually sickened by the attitudes of many of the posters on this site. Guys like him are what empower some of you choads to spray your pathetic bullshit. This was written as an email by an acquaintance of mine to some more pathetic milksops who chose to criticize a great man for what I'm sure was a very personal and heartfelt decision. I think it speaks volumes.


    R.I.P. Ranger Tillman.


    Dear Sirs,


    I am not a listener to your show, simply because I live in Detroit, but I was, however, made aware of your comment toward Pat Tillman in regards to his decision to join the US Army, and, become a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment. I believe you called him a "Dumbass", and cited the forfeiture of several million dollars and announcing that "Football won't always be there" as a reason he should not enlist.


    I ask you, have you ever set foot in Basic Training of any sort? Ever completed a physical and mental challenge so tough you thought you were going to die trying, and not caring if you did, as long as you died doing what you wanted to do? Ever been in the company of men so professional, they knowingly place themselves in danger for you, and automatically expect you to do it for them? Have you ever loved your country so much, that you understood that you would go into battle, fighting America's enemies for Crackheads, thieves, prostitutes, Homeless folks, Bankers, Business men, Executives, Kids, Moms, Dads, etc? If your answer is no, then I not only feel sorry for you, I also feel sorry for your complete ignorance of the Military, and the Rangers in General.


    I served 6 years with the 3d Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment at Ft. Benning Georgia. I can tell you that my tenure in the 75th Ranger Regiment was the most challenging thing I have ever done, and could possibly do since. Rangers have a motto, "Rangers Lead The Way." We have that motto because, like the most professional football team, we LIVE for the playing field. We hone our skills DAILY in hopes to put them to use, and ask only that when our country sends someone, we go first. We endure hardships, a low paycheck, and a schedule that would make a 1st year resident Physician at your local Emergency Room crawl into a little ball and wish he was in construction. We understand that we are not Supermen, and we also know that when the ultimate sacrifice is demanded, it will be provided willingly. America quite simply would not exist if not for men like Pat Tillman, men who are willing to serve it first, and themselves second. We do it because it seems impossible. We do it because we strive for excellence. We do it because we understadn that WE are America's Super Bowl Team.


    And we do it for people who call us "Assholes" too.


    I hope Pat Tillman and his brother make it. If they endure the hardships of Airborne School, and RIP (Ranger Indoctrination Program - what ALL Rangers must pass in order to be able to wear the Tan Beret of the Rangers, and the Scroll patch denoting their unit) then they are my Brothers. The fact that his love of country supreceedes his love of football speaks volumes for the American Spirit. When Elvis put his career aside to serve his country, he was hailed as a hero. When the professional Baseball players did it during WWII, they were held as examples of selfless service. NOT called Assholes. They understood that their country came first, football/baseball/music second. The people who riducule them are the ones who feel comfortable in their jobs... too comfortable in fact, to get up and do what needs to be done. I won't attack you personally, nor will I question your willingness to serve. You may have... but if so, don't forget the sacrifices YOU made, and applaud our finest for what they are doing. If you have never served in the Military, then I suggest you do what the rest of the ignorant masses do, and buy some books and start reading.







    3d Bn, 75th Ranger Regiment

    Ft. Benning , Georgia

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