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Posts posted by JAFO

  1. Yet anouther wise decision by

    Pres.Bush. snaf.gifsnaf.gifsnaf.gifsnaf.gifsnaf.gif

    He was probably to busy allocating resources to our terror alert level sytem hellno3d.gif(yelow, orange, green-have we even seen green?) Natural disaster? Na we need to get Oil- I mean terrorist....

  2. Hell yeah! This shit is nothing compared to that other stuff.

    Let's see Hiroshima, What like 50,000 dead instantly.

    Tsunami, I mean damn like anything even needs to be said about that. But I will, Those people had everything washed away with no way to recover, at least we have our money in electronic banks, have helicopters and first aid close by. Does it suck? Yes, it's horrible and unfortunate but only Americans would shoot each other over ice. (just on the news- someone shot thier sister point blank in the head over ice hellno3d.gif)-nice one! go America! discuss....

  3. Intersting point. You know what is also intersting. I have lived in Okinawa, Japan where there are several typhoons a year.

    Of course not all are this serious but the point is Okinawan's build their houses and buildings out of concrete. My house and street flooded to the point of undrivability but it did not float away. Maybe the people down in the gulf region should take notes from the japanese. Buildings are ugly in okinawa but this kind of tradgedy is well planned out. snaf.gif

  4. This post reminds me of that whole Squamish gondola thing.

    Oh, and the NPS trying to put hotels and housing on top of camp 4. Anyone notice all the cement still in the campgrounds now closed in yosemite? Nice conservation NPS!

  5. I had a friend who was a tour guide in national park and one time he had a park visitor actually stop on the trail where the cement ended and say "I don't walk on dirt trails" yelrotflmao.gif

    What an ass. I say the_finger.gif to hotels and cement trails in our national parks.

  6. I think you may have something with that analogy.

    The real shit is that there was talk about "if the international community will give us aid" yelrotflmao.gif

    Like the rest of the world is going to help us. If we spent so much money on Iraq that we can't afford to fix this ourselves then our gov. sucks. Why are we the only country that helps others before ourselves. confused.gif (assuming you belive helping people consists of taking over a country with oil-iraq

    and ignoring genocide-rwanda)

  7. You know some jackass will probably eventually sue the NPS for not having some kind of chainlink fence across the falls to contain people that slip. snaf.gifsnaf.gifsnaf.gif

    To my knowlege of the many people that have gone over vernal I don't recall any of them sueing. Maybe that climbers parents sueing over the Glacier point incident should take note. NATURE DOESN'T GIVE YOU REFUNDS! Take it or leave it. pitty.gif



    "Some mountaineers are proud of having done all their climbs without bivouac. How much they have missed! And the same applies to those who enjoy only rock climbing, or only the ice climbs, only the ridges or the faces. We should refuse none of the thousand and one joys that the mountains offer us at every turn. We should brush nothing aside, set no restrictions. We should experience hunger and thirst, be able to go fast, but also know how to go slowly and to contemplate."


    --Gaston Rebuffat

    Starlight and Storm


    I agree with this completely. Take Big wall climbing. Many people are pushing for one day accents. While I strive for these feets of speed also it is not for the same reason. It is an awsome experiance to sleep on a wall with thousands of feet below you. however it is nice to have the efficiency and skill to control where and how long you choose to bivy. (as opposed to being strung out and taking bivys where you can get them) There is also something to be said for being able to get something climbed in a weekend that would have most people taking 3-5 days. I.E. you have a weekend and you climbed and they didn't. bigdrink.gif

  9. I used to live in those tents in employee housing in the back of curry. It was scarry as shit. A week after I moved to a new housing area my tent section was hit with a rockfall and closed off! They should investigate THAT AREA (Glaicer point)

    for danger and long term effects. But this should be happening on its own. To sue the park would be a shame. In a similar event when I was working there a person had slipped on the siver apron at the top of vernal falls and died. That area has had this happen several times. If people started sueing then they would probably close that area forever. You take a freaking risk by being in the mountains even just for a picknick a bear could get you. Are we going to sue bears now?

    If this hoser wins we could be seriously screwed. Maybe we should write to him to call it off. Either way if he wins and climbing closes he is going to catch shit forever and hate life. madgo_ron.gif

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