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Posts posted by Bandit

  1. 6 9 1200 22 97 36 46 55 353

    6 9 1300 19 95 31 45 57 353

    6 9 1400 21 97 29 42 57 353

    6 9 1500 21 97 35 45 54 353

    6 9 1600 20 97 28 47 61 353

    6 9 1700 21 96 43 54 71 353

    6 9 1800 17 96 32 49 62 353

    6 9 1900 14 95 24 45 65 353

    6 9 2000 8 91 24 42 61 353

    6 9 2100 6 91 11 37 55 353

    6 9 2200 8 92 22 44 57 353

    6 9 2300 9 93 34 48 59 353

    6 10 0 10 93 39 49 59 353

    6 10 100 10 93 36 51 61 353

    6 10 200 12 94 27 45 59 353

    6 10 300 12 94 7 29 45 353

    6 10 400 14 95 4 11 24 353

    --------------------------------------------------------Here are the weather facts up at Muir for the times of the hike. High winds and cold temps were brutal.

  2. I was up on the emmons this weekend, and despite the crowds I had a good time and everyone I came across was quite friendly.


    On the walk from Schurman to the Flats my buddy and I were the first to come across a fellow in the middle of trying to pull his ropemate from a hole about twenty feet down. He was kinda busy holding his buddy's weight, so we dropped our gear and got an anchor set up, I yarded his pack out while he started prussiking. A few minutes later another team walks by...first guy assumes we're practicing, but the second guy asks if this is 'for real', I ask if they wouldn't mind sticking around and they were happy to do so. We all got on the rope and yarded the climber out of the hole and all three of our teams camped near one another that night.


    Jesus H. Did you mates pat each other on the ass and sit around the head lamps and sing "Kumba Ya"? yellaf.gifcry.gif

  3. Like I said in my post. Quit lolly gagging and get the hell out of the way. High side, low side, who cares. Move your turtle ass over.


    JONG's like you, put other people in danger. Stay in the indoor rock climbing gym and show off your plum smugglers to all the 16 yr girlies, girly man.

  4. You have it backwards. If you are the slow party, you need to be aware of slowing the party behind you. Move your turtle butts over and let the faster crew pass. Ever play golf? The polite thing to do is to let the faster golfers play through. If you are playing slow , the marshall will get on your ass to speed up. Maybe they should have ranger marshalls to whip the slow asses to go faster. Slow = rude, if you don't move over. Fast = in shape, traveling light, etc.


    Use common sense Jugs, and quit being a lolly gagger. You're too worried about posing with all your new ,, latest REI gear. Go light, and leave your FOH book on the shelf. yellaf.gif

  5. There’s been a bunch of talk lately about, “Why are people getting toasted on the Emmons? Is it due to aluminum crampons?” Blah, blah, blah. There’s way too much pondering going on here, the fact is, people are getting hurt on the Emmons because they shouldn’t fucking be on the mountain because they have neither the skills nor the experience to be playing on a mountain as big as Rainier.


    I climbed the Emmons Monday night with the crowds—bunch of fucking idiots up there! Jackoffs with crampons falling off multiple times; people up there without pickets or other anchoring devices; people trying to summit with humongous (heavy) packs; etc. Every time I’ve climbed Rainier what strikes me is that 90% of those climbing up there shouldn’t be. On Sunday returning climbers were telling stories of the “heinous ice” the last 1000 feet up the route; and how bad the bergschrund crossing was. WTF? By utilizing even the shittiest version of the French technique, the “heinous ice” would be all but a non-issue; and the shrund crossing was the best I’ve seen in years; fucking huge stair steps! Don’t get me wrong, no one is born with the requisite mountaineering skills, such must be gained through experience, but Mount Rainier is NOT the mountain on which to gain that experience. For fuck sake, there are people at camp who couldn’t even put on crampons, let alone set up an anchor and pull their mates out of a crevasse or arrest a fall.


    When I climbed Monday, I passed multiple groups (actually every group--about 30 people--putting me at the head of the line). Most groups didn’t care that my team of two passed, but some did, muttering such comments as, “Those guys cut us off!” If I “cut you off,” it was because you were too fucking slow (probably due to trying to haul a 90 pound pack to the summit! One group who was angry that I “cut them off” was fucking taking a break! What?! Am I supposed to take a break with you?


    I didn’t do any “high side” passing of people, but I can imagine a situation where I would. Imagine the steepest part of the Emmons (wherever that might be); if there’s some fucking group of Mounties or OSATs mucking up the works with a bunch of balanced challenged folks on a line, I much the fuck rather pass you high side rather than wait for you fuckers to slip and bring me down whilst passing down slope.


    And to all you mother fuckers who stake tired/sick people to the route just so you can continue your summit attempt—FUCK YOU!


    Well said, mate.


    I would add, that if you don't like the crowds, then go climb on the west side, like The Tahoma Glacier.


    Think out side the box and you might enjoy yourself, instead of whining about others mishaps.


    Rock Guy is correct. Come to Rainier prepared. Do your apprenticeship on Adams and Hood, then come to Rainier.

  6. The map and compass are good as long as you have an altimeter watch to know your altitude. Without knowing your altitude it doesn't do much good to have the GPS or compass. You have to know the precise altitude to make the correct compass changes to stay on course. Better yet go on a sunny day. Stay on the boot path. Bring wands. If the weather turns sour. Turn around immediately, and follow the boot path down. It's happened to me in a foggy condition. You couldn't see one foot ahead of you. We just followed the boot path down.

  7. Good point. A precise direction change at the correct altitude will give you much comfort in knowing you are on route. Along with a compass or GPS, one should also have an altimeter watch. Usually, the route is wanded by the NPS, but if you get off the boot path, you need skills to get back on. It's very important to know your altitude. If all else fails. Hunker in. This is where appropriate clothing and shelter come into play. Or dig a good snow cave. I like a tent, because it's easier to stay dry. Don't have to dig much. Hunker in, fire up the stove and watch the storm pass. It can be an exciting time or it could mean death. The choice is yours. Come prepared, be prepared and possibly retreat if need be. Come back another time if all else fails.

  8. The most recent report says hypothermia may be the cause of death. One guy found with shorts on and the other with cotton clothing. Like they say, "COTTON KILLS". Leave the cotton at home for those comfy nights in your pajamas. Only synthetics , poly, even your grandfathers old polyester socks are better than cotton. Once your cotton clothes get wet "FORGET ABOUT IT". Just say no to cotton.

  9. It's tricky coming down from Camp Muir in a storm. Sometimes it's better to hunker in and wait for a clearing. Looks like they got trapped above a cliff band and tried to retreat. Probably got fatiged, disoriented, no food, etc. Bad scene. I've been up at Camp Muir on my B.D. on July 1st. Got there in 70* weather in shorts and t-shirt. 30 minutes later in starts to snow big , wet ,heavy snow flakes. I asked the RMI cook if I could slip into the shack to put my shells on. If I didn't have extra clothes, I would have been in a world of hurt. Mt. Rainier is unpredictable at any time of year . Come prepared. Be prepared to rretreat. You can always come back another day.

  10. The problem is simple. The plow drivers can't get out of bed early enough to plow the roads. I know one of the plow drivers. He would rather drink beer all night and forget about what time the gate opens. Those guys could care less. They don't ski or climb. Hell, they can barely get out of bed in the morning. Until you get a motivated plow driver, who wants to please the public , forget any early openings.

  11. I've seen nothing here that is slander. Only information, and opinions about several articles that have been posted, which frankly seem to be full of misinformation. Passing threats of slander around doesn't seem very productive. What would be, is clearing the air. My opinion is that this would be an unfortunate developmennt. Others may differ. We have the right to voice those concerns.


    "Unfortunate developement". Ya, they said the same thing about Whistler in the 60's. It's time to get with the times Cletus. This is 2004. This is just what Washington needs.

  12. Of course I've skied above timberline in the winter on a PNW volcano. What's your point? At Timberline, Oregon, if conditions get too bad, they close the lift. That happens at Crystal all the time. So what? Whistler will definateley have competition on this one. For one, the snow quality will be better. Sounds like they'll have just as many ammenities plus the gambling. Watch out!

  13. Haven't you ever heard "You get what you pay for"! It's about time they improve the ski areas around here. I see Alta finally put in a high speed quad. Get with the times gents. You're probably skiing on those skinny skis, LOL!!

  14. You need to stay out of the gay bars. Those "pussy bitches" were probably cross dressers looking for some strange cock. You just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Try the red neck bars. You'll probably just get a bottle of whiskey smashed on your head!

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