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Posts posted by Stavrogin

  1. Geek_em8.gif Small Q please! 507049-Impg_Eqn05.gif




    m (dot) is mass flow rate. For a thermos, don't you have a fixed mass of fluid you are trying to keep warm? Therefore, m (dot) is zero.


    if your m(dot) is zero then you're not drinking anything from the thermos, and then there's no point to keeping it warm! bigdrink.gif

  2. i didn't realize that leavenworth was that close, though mapquest says its 1 hour and 13 minutes, which is 13 minutes too far away. i'm looking for stuff that close by so that i can get up early and climb or something. i'm camping with non-climbing people, so i'd rather not alianate myself from them by driving off to leavenworth for the day to climb.

  3. i think there were some routes that were put up and then it was later realized that the bolts used were of lesser strength that the standard hardware. there was a sheet included with kloke's new guide that listed these routes...

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