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Posts posted by AaronB

  1. My first lead ever, First pitch of "White punks on Dope" needles CA.. Has a hanging belay with no bolts.. I just put in about 7 pieces and looped a huge sling through all of them.. When my partner got to the belay.. it was his shit I smelled..

  2. He's a Grand Nominee with the Demacratic Party, He blew his wad early signing with the Dean Party, Thus lowering the chances for Edwards... Al Gore can still make a difference.. In this case it was very negative. Of course thats just my opinion.. If you liked ahhmmnnn "Dean" ...then you prolly love Gore

  3. Are 31 & 706 closed for the season, from Spokane to Paradise?


    reference :Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto WA-123 (Portions may be closed seasonally). mapquest


    reference:Turn LEFT onto STEVENS CANYON RD/WA-706 W (Portions may be closed seasonally). mapquest


    I can't seem to find out for sure. And if it is closed, what is the next option.

  4. My point is.. that this is no longer a "local or even national community" It's 2004 not 1884, We live in a "Global Community" Is it right for the U.S. to Sacrifice the lives of it's citizens and the citizens of other countries in this "Global Community" ...Just to insure It's "Current Level Of Power"

  5. The domino theory didn't hold any water back then nor did it hold any water for Central and South America back in the 80's when Ronald Reagan was president. The theory that communism would take root and spread to eventually threaten our very existence was full of holes.


    Agreed, but this is a hindsight 20/20 assessment. Wars are created for power and profit and detractors take the opposite tack in order to further their own aims. It's a yin&yang situation. Kerry claims to represent certain programs that appeal to idealists and Bush presents items that appeal to pragmatists. Just remember that all great civilizations have gone into decline after about a 200 year period. Almost all have been deteriorated from within (infighting) rather than conquered militarily. If putting our hands on the pulse of the 2nd largest oil reserve prevents this than I am all for it. If electing a dove who then wants to give away everything we have been over here accomplishing in the name of democracy then I would have to weep for the spinelessness of my fellow countrymen.


    Bush may not be perfect, but he has good people in his corner and a much clearer idea of what we need to maintain our current level of power in the world.


    Anyway care to quote your sources on the POW issue?



    "Current Power in the world" ??? At whose expence, if not ours?

  6. I laid out the bones for the ABS plates after the milk jug finally wore off (after 4 years of pretty regular use). I realized after I tore open the package that the new Sabretooth crampons have holes drilled through the rear cleats to accomodate the attachmens screws for the ABS plates. Since I had the older model Sabres I had to drill the holes.


    Several hours, two trips to Home Repo and three broken drill bits later I finished drilling those holes.


    I'll stick with milk jugs and accessory cord from now on.


    Yup,Yup, why didn't you post this YESTERDAY.. but I only had one drill bit break.

  7. I've got a "old" pair of BD Sabretooth crampons. The new abs plates I just got don't fit.. arrrhh, I need some of the old style ones. Evidentally I can't get any until next week. I'm flying out of Seattle Monday Morning. 2-23 wave.gif

    Anyone have any Ideas?

  8. I'm guilty of taking some boarders down some lines they shouldn't be on.. aka a little too much snow plowing.. but then again I remember thats because I couldn't find a skiier with enuf balls to hit it. I'm a huge skiier as well.. and I don't usually have the balls to hit some of the lines I do on a board.. Not saying you dudes aren't out there that can.. BUT obviously you are a minority, so quit bitching about stuff the MAJORITY likes to do.

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