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Everything posted by runout510

  1. Looking to get to Lillooet or E. Washington this weekend. Able to leave Friday evening. Have a full set of ice screws and rope.
  2. Vertical World or Stone Gardens
  3. Lead 5.10, follow harder. Have rope and gear.
  4. Partner bailed at last minute and I suddenly have two days free, Friday-Saturday. Would like to do a longer alpine climb such as Johannesberg or Complete N. Ridge of Stuart, but I'm open to other suggestions. Rich
  5. pm sent.
  6. I live in Bellingham and am looking for a partner for an alpine rock climb or a trip to Squamish this weekend. I can take Friday off if needed. I have car, rope, rack and can lead up to 10b and follow up to 11a. Cheers, Rich
  7. Bellingham climber looking for partner Saturday and sunday for Squamish or somewhere in Washington. Lead up to mid 10. Call me at 360 303 5114 Rich
  8. Looking to climb longer routes up to easy 5.11. Have rack, rope and car. Email me at runout510@gmail.com.
  9. My partner had to bail today. I'll be in Squamish Friday - Sunday. I lead up to mid 5.10 and have gear/rope. Shoot me an e-mail with your phone number if you want to coordinate meeting in Squamish.
  10. Looking to bivvy Sat. night at Lk. Serene, get up early Sunday and return to the car same day. Looking for someone willing to simul climb if needed and to solo much of the route. PM me if interested.
  11. Looking for a partner for some longer routes this weekend at Squamish. I lead up to mid 10 but can follow harder. Send me a pm if you're interested. Looking for safe, experienced partner.
  12. I'm primarily interested in Early Morning Spire or W. Ridge of Eldorado but could go cragging at Squamish instead this weekend. Solid, safe climber, lead up to 5.10.
  13. Looking for a one day outing to Squamish. I lead up to 5.10 crack, willing to crag all day long or do a longer route. Willing to follow harder route if you're willing to lead. Have rope, rack, and transportation from Bellingham. PM me if you're interested.
  14. Double ledge, bought brand new, used once on the Shield last month, got a few scrapes in the ascent, but I'm selling for cheap. The ledge was, as the name implies, bombproof. It was also roomy and enjoyable during a day and a half storm. It has a rack to hang stuff from, the fly has a unique attachment that is totally waterproof, and the straps on the ledge are easy to adjust. I'll send photos if you're interested. Sells for about $1000 new, I'll sell for $650 firm, plus shipping (not to exceed $20).
  15. These things are impossible to find new or used since Trango quit making them. I need a set for a trip in late April. If someone has a pair of these aiders that they do not want, I'll pay you a fair price. Thanks.
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