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Everything posted by Bmulvihill

  1. Fission JKT Link Deuter Ski Pack Link Jacket is Unisex size medium in very good condition, minimal use. Pack is also in very good condition PAYPAL PLEASE - Prices include shipping to lower 48
  3. Brand new in the wrapper. SPECS AND PICS HERE $500 plus actual shipping $650 retail paypal gift preferred
  4. Black Diamond Front Point Gaiters Very good condition, worn a few times, i'm not a gaiter guy. Size Large/Black $40 includes shipping Selected Climbs in the Cascades Volume I & II VERY good condition $25 shipped for both. Will ship via media mail so expect at least a week for delivery. PAYPAL PLEASE
  5. Bump for another price drop.
  6. PM sent
  7. Bump for price drop.
  8. Size Large / Color is Nightshade the warmer version of the Atom LT. Very good condition.One year old. No rips, stains or tears. MSRP is $260 $135 includes shipping in US Picture on MP.com HERE PAYPAL PLEASE
  9. PRICE DROP $750 plus shipping
  10. Skied twice, very little if any sign of wear.Basically brand new. Mounted for approx size 10 boot. $800.00 plus shipping to your zip code. PAYPAL PREFERRED This years model with Jackson Hole Tram graphics here Dynafits are current model as well here
  11. $160 SHIPPED
  13. bump for a new week
  14. Thanks? I wish the blame was on beer, but beer doesn't bulk out my shoulders
  15. Bump for a price drop
  16. Less than a year old. Very few actual days in it as the fit for me is off. I need an XL. This is a Men's Trim Fit Large, a bit smaller overall than the Athletic Fit. Color is Cardinal. Excellent jacket, i think it is way more versatile than the Gamma MX which used to be my first choice for years. Very good condition aside from a few micro surface holes from the harness pinch points near the hips. pictures HERE MSRP $299 Shipped to you $200!
  17. Quick trip this past weekend as well. Responsible was climbed Friday and Sat. by strong parties, saw pics on one guys phone from the friday ascent. I climbed Scepter Saturday afternoon and it was stout, wet, and engaging with minimal pro. Champagne was good a week ago. pray for a cold snap.
  18. BUMP for new week! remember the prices include shipping to the lower 48.
  19. Slings and Screamers SOLD.
  20. PRICES INCLUDE SHIPPING VIA USPS PAYPAL PLEASE Petzl/Charlet Laser Sonic Ice Screw 17cm very good condition $35.00 shipped Picture Selected Climbs in the Cascades VOL 1 & 2 very good condition $28.00 shipped for both Picture SOLD [u]2 Metolius Rabbit Runner Slings very good condition, carried, never used. Specs here $13.00 shipped for both Picture [/u]
  21. Make offers. Leaving May 28th till July 4. Can ship until May 28th.
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