I would just like to echo all of the other responses to this thread: Jon, I want to blow you, and I thank you for admonishing all of those rascals out there who can't behave themselves.
Seriously, you could save yourself a mess of trouble if you simply insist that the moderators' activities are always directed at making sure users are meeting the terms of the users' agreement. Currently, this clearly isn't happening. Valid and important perspectives on issues critical to access and to the maintenance of an adventure element in climbing.....yes, we're talking about bolting here.....are met with BANISHMENT.
For example, this character Pope criticized the bolting of top-rope-sized mixed climbs near Snoqualmie Pass. He was warned through PM to not "hi-jack" threads and the following day, even though he made no further posts, he was banned. Other characters (Jkassidy and Schlangeschmecker) were simultaneously banned "for being Pope". Mean while, others were allowed to threaten physical harm and use incredibly insulting language.
Gentlemen, it is truly a sad day when valid and important issues cannot be discussed on your website.