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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Is there a good source to figure out what permits are required for where? I see quite a bit of anti-permit messages, online and even scratched into the "permit required" signs at parking lots and trailheads. What's the attitudes of climbers around here for being "legal"? (Will my car get keyed for displaying a parking permit at exit 38? ) I moved here just less than two years ago, different attitudes than what I'm used to. (Throughout the Seattle area, not just climbers.) When I saw "Exit 38 threatened", I immediately thought that it meant climbing might be banned! When I lived in Oklahoma, and one of the climbing sites was threatened, the climbers donated money to the Access Fund, who purchased the land and donated it to a State Park, and in cooperation with the state, made sure climbing will always be permitted. http://www.wichitamountains.org/quartzupdate.html Separate cooperation with the fish and wildlife service protects the climbing access in a national wildlife refuge by self-restricting climbing areas and the unchecked addition of bolts. Access to both of these sites is free, and rangers chase away the parking lot theives. And you thought Okies were just ignorant backwoods hicks!
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