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Posts posted by flatland

  1. I went into hiding to escape all the attention. Maybe I haven't done all that. I have done Mt Si in the rain - solo . . . alpine style


    I'm stuck in missouri, I'm from seattle. Now all my friends in Seattle are going to kick my butt because they'll know I'm flute man HCL.gif

  2. specialed said:

    If I had 70 days.....


    Yosemite, Index, Stuart Range, Squamish, assorted alpine rock in western BC, Bugaboos, then Candian Rockies (Banff Jasper area) grin.gif


    been there, done that

  3. specialed said:

    The energy you save by going lighter by ditching the tent will more than be made up erecting a temporary dwelling of ice and snow. If you want to go light and hardcore, bring a bivy sack and hope it doesn't snow hard. And if it does, go down.


    The exertion of summit day on Ptarmagin must be the crux, and since it is a carry over likely hood of success would be greater with out the extra weight . . . Any one have a Bibler for sale?

  4. Ummm, thanks, I guess. And I'm touched by your deep concern. I have done several climbs of this difficulty before. I have 70 consecutive days of climbing time to kill this summer. What would you do? Go to index . . . and crag?

  5. OK, OK, OK! So, want to kick my butt. So a guy ask 13 stupid questions and he earn his own thread? I've been in school for 20 years and I get stupider each year. Just have alittle mercy and tell me how you all say such smart things. the_finger.gifthe_finger.gif

  6. Gandarme pitch on stuart. You leave this sliver of a belay pedestal and travers out onto the pitch 1000 ft above the glacier. My fist got stuck in the "off width" and I had to move down to get it out. wierd


    the coffin

    gordon's hangover



    Little Cottonwood

  7. If if it goes it goes.


    Don't make any desicions until its light. Bubba


    Already have one compadre signed up for each climb, so really a third would be nice for the glaciated climbs in June. We are med student so we won't be doing the climbs in record time, but we are fit and know our stuff. The weather is an issue, so, to maximize our chances of success we are planning for two days beyond the predicted max time for the climb alone. For example Baker may only take 2 days but we have 5 set aside to play in the rain. thumbs_up.gif

  8. Is digging snow caves on Liberty Ridge and Ptarmagin Ridge a feasable idea. I have used tents in the past on Rainier, but after using several snow caves on recent winter climbs wonder if this might not be a bad idea. Caves are so warm, quiet and comfortable. Plus the bivies weigh alot less.


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