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Everything posted by shamelessgearwhore

  1. Yeah, you're totally fucked dude!
  2. It is a real shame that this website is beginning to get tacky. I would really hate to see this trend continue. The integrity of this thread and others must be preserved.
  3. I just tried to call and sign up for this event through the Mountaineers Clubhouse, but no one there knew anything about it. Maybe this hasn't officially been listed yet or something?
  4. If you're going to buy the passes and play the game, at least just buy the daily ones, and only on the weekends at the busy trailheads (maybe about only 25% of where I go anyway). The reason is that that is what is "Demo" about the Demo program in the first place. They want to see if they can scare enough of us into becoming trained into going down to REI or wherever and purchasing annual passes. This is their ideal as it requires no one at the TH to sell it and is easiest to enforce. Their least favorite idea is to have to sell individual passes because it is more confusing, requires more paperwork, is more labor intensive, and will require more employees devoted to selling and enforcing them. By buying the annual pass you are giving in. Unfortunately I think they predicted correctly that we would all line up dutifully at REI and buy them every Spring because we would prefer to avoid hassles, and maybe save money (not for me because outside of the most popular TH's enforcement is pretty sketch). Really if there were no annual pass sales, and only those flimsy day things out there you would see this program wither away. I've seen plenty of people reuse their old day passes, just change the dates or make them totally illegible.
  5. Read the "throughout the world" link. It looks like he has gotten pretty close to the highest buildings on all continents. To complete this he would just need to make a trip to McMurdo and climb the highest building there.
  6. IMO this could have been a lot worse. Those who buy the annual pass feel almost no hit, while those who attempt once will now have a pass that allows them to come back and attempt it again that year. How many people put themselves in a situation that they shouldn't continue simply because they've paid the fee. W/o the all you can climb status of the fee you would have had groups of people pushing beyond theirs and natures limitations. Now everyone can say "guys, lets come back next weekend" much easier. Just my 2cents.
  7. Damn check this guy out! Read his accomplishments on his personal web page. http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/apeurope_story.asp?category=1103&slug=War%20Spiderman his site - http://www.funadventure.com/members/alainrobert/indexuk.htm mf crazy!
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