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Posts posted by cman

  1. these UW profs are bad enough, amazing their top choice is so close to campus, but if this project goes forward they will not even be in charge. with the Dept of Defense conducting unspecified experiments in there the whole valley will be controlled, and it's access, by some goverment agency, i.e. if you want to complain to somebody forget about it.

  2. I have the weekend open as well. i can't make it to the rope up next weekend, anyone for leavenworth this weekend? or maybe the tieton?

    might also be up for something alpine if the weather looks ok.


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    Friday, July 9, 2004 -- 7pm

    Icicle River Middle School


    "Protecting Amenities is a New 'Hot' Strategy for Local Development."



    by Gundars Rudzitis, PhD


    Gundars will present a 1/2-hour talk, followed by a question / answer session. This should be an interesting and informative evening discussing quality-of-life and culturally place-based development... why protection of the environment is linked to long-term stability and growth of our local economy... why maintaining a high quality environment can be a development strategy.



    anyone go to this? not a lot of new info happening but it appears the DUSEL proposal is still being considered.

  4. I have had that same problem resulting from backcountry skiing. First, stretch out your flexors regularly doing lunges, in addition to quads, hamstring, etc.


    Second, i use a stretchy rubber cord. fix one end to something and put the other end around your ankle and do knee lifts. this really works your flexor so start slow.


    the last thing is to take a anti-inflamitory before your activity, Aleve, this will help prevent inflamation and the resulting pain. this is only a temporary mesure, proper exercises should relieve this problem.

  5. isn't anyone going to spray about how many months that have in a row? that was the original topic here.


    you can ski whenever you want but if you are trying to ski every month of the year for years on end you are definitely hiking far to ski crap at some point just so can you do what? spray about it, which i think is a weak reason.

  6. Used to be that way in Jackson hole, patrolers lurking to bust people, even cops on skis a couple of times. But now the boundaries are open all the time and if you get into trouble the county SAR is your only hope. i don't see why crystal couldn't do it, after all from JH you can ski off the back into Teton park, which is also a national park, and that does not seem to be a problem.

  7. I think i would have felt the same way seeing a nest of spiders above me. there have been some pretty big spiders in my house the past couple of nights. i certainly don't relish the thought of them climbing all over me.

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