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Everything posted by king5news

  1. here's the latest -- with names. Two Bellingham men are safe after an extended hike on Big Four mountain east of Granite Falls. Rescuers found Mike Layton and Matt Anderson last night and walked them out. They had failed to return from a climb Wednesday.
  2. Sorry -- we were busy working the story. Note from the first entry -- looking on KING5.COM!
  3. someone is using my name in vain... this is NOT me. I had to rescue my kid from the grasps of her grandparents. I didn't make it. Next week though I'll be there with bells on.
  4. 7-8 is late for me (what can I say, I got a kid) -- will anyone be there at 5?
  5. I might. What time are you going to be there? Newstips won't. she has to work 'til 11:30.
  6. THANK YOU! The break-in story sounds interesting. We'd love to do it. But, just to be clear, that's not why we're here. We just think you all are fun.
  7. now isn't THAT special! And if he's poor, don't tell him where you live. He'll want to crash there for a "few weeks" until his next road trip. ahhh king5 bust my chops again....... greg you are just jealous. you can say so, i am okay with it. i always thought jealousy was a trait of sport climbers? now i know! I would never bust YOUR chops dear "erik" -- you are much adored (oops. pub is tonight. I've sttarted too early!)
  8. ain't that the truth -- spent too many years in texas.
  9. to say the least. Karan is now married and living back east. hasn't been here in YEARS (thus the reason newstips doesn't know her.) I too am impressed that you know the lovely Ruth.
  10. tell King5News trask is coming next week. ok. you've convinced me to stay home and watch "happy days" reruns.
  11. what a nice compliment. we'll be sure to pass it on. we think highly of her too.
  12. now isn't THAT special!
  13. 'bout time you washed thosed hands!
  14. ha! now you're getting a two-fer, both of us at once! can you handle it trask???
  15. you must be suffering from the DTs -- I've never been to TV's -- ever. And, If I "owed" someone something I certainly wouldn't repay them by giving their card to YOU! Oh, I remember now -- I gave you the curly redhead's card!!!! He told me you called!!!
  16. ha! I AM working. I am female and able to multi-task!
  17. because we're nice people and deserving of your company.
  18. clearly the sub-culture.
  19. Post deleted by king5news
  20. IF we met at the Four Seasons, (which we didn't) I would have given you someone ELSE'S business card!
  21. Unfortunately we're in ratings so we don't associate with the LOSERS from those wanna be stations. As for the others you mentioned. We don't sneer at Q... its more of a subtle and knowing grin! And, yes, I'm a quick study of folks -- especially STALKER MEN! You all are fun! Hopefully you'll come to learn that we can be too. Just give us time. And pay for our beer!!!
  22. You're reaching. We've never met -- maybe in your DREAMS but not in this life!
  23. Yes there is -- and contrary to your one sided opinion not all people in the media are "pure evil". Generalities are bad things==they lead to discrimination against perfectly nice, respectable people.
  24. not a problem. though I doubt either of us would be or look out of place in ANY pub.
  25. sorry -- that won't work for either of us -- we like to talk too much to be gagged!
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