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Everything posted by Slabinator

  1. Yes you are nice work
  2. My apologies to Mr Headspace. my mistake. Certainly not the first time I've been mistaken leave it boltless.
  3. pindude writes Throw me in with the ankle grabbers, i guess, cause I dropped 7k 2 years ago on a '90 Toy 4 runner-132,000mi, the timing belt had just been replaced. I have dumped no cash since except normal oil/filter changes etc. Ac, cruise cd/tuner etc. I noticed the other day that I have shred a cv boot and will need to repair it but other than that no probs. I seem to remember that Toyota had problems with the head gasket in 89 and 90? only on the v-6. There should be a recall notice posted somewhere due to this. At the time most rigs were priced about 2k more than what I paid. But WTF it is a Toyota. (I still miss my old beater at the TH though)
  4. Slabinator

    Two Bags

    Thank you Trask I needed that
  5. Slabinator

    You guys suck

    quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: quote:Originally posted by Slabinator: Say It Dont Spray It! Spray it don't say it. Say, dont it Spray it?
  6. Slabinator

    You guys suck

    Say It Dont Spray It!
  7. Hmmmmm....
  8. Perhaps by then Trask will have learned how to actually climb and wont be forced to face up!
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