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  1. wow to each his own...but the avalauncher is not going to even be used in the place jlag was talking about skiing.
  2. http://www.bendbulletin.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20091205/NEWS0107/912050387/0/FRONTPAGE wiper, will passes owner is quoted in this article saying "its basically illegal for anyone to hike inside the permit area."
  3. Hoodoo is even worse. first off they dont allow uphill traffic at all...even try to keep you off when they are closed before and after the season. they also try to charge you with a $50 ticket if you park in their lot (former sno-park) overnight and if your not around they will tie a chain to your car and move it with a snow cat....with no tow signs around. -->my lawyer friend told me this is basically auto-theft...and if they towed my audi like that it would totally fuck up the awd. id love to test Hoodoo, but i dont want to shit where i sleep. any takers? id love to video tape it.
  4. good on ya for admiting fault. oh and sorry for my aggro post. i just recall reading this a bit ago.... http://blogs.denverpost.com/sports/2007/08/31/the-trouble-with-trundling/
  5. Dude not cool at all. you cold kill someone. i frequent that area, and i know some crazy fuckers who also frequent that area. if they would have seen you trundling your crew would have found yourself having a little "accident" while the hippys see what its like to trundle humans. id erase this TR. eugene is a small place...im sure someone knows you.
  6. when i first came in i expressed my intent on putting tull tilt race tongues and booster straps on my new old stock denali xt's with maybe 20 days on em, bindings were marker dukes. i asked if he had any in stock and asked how much they would charge for the work (i had intended to do it myself, but thought if it was cheap enuf...) anyhow he goes on to tell me that my boots are way too soft and anything i do won't fix that. ive been on denali xt's for the past 6 years. i appeased him and listened to his spew...i respect the guy, may as well be polite. so he wants to sell me full tilt bumble bee's for 499, full retail (you can find them online for 250). i tell him straight up that all my skis are rockered, i only ski soft snow and hike more than i ride the lift, im sure my boots are fine. i have NEVER been pressured by them before. for the most part they know that i have been skiing my whole life and i know my shit, if i need some help or advise ill ask. usually they respect that. what ever happened with your skis, did they give you a new pair?
  7. can anyonw elaborate more on the updates? im thinking about getting a new copy
  8. i know thoes guys, i grew up in that store. i dont know what is going on at bergs. last month i took my praxis and dukes in there to get mounted, and Chandler (the shop tech who fakked up your mount) wouldnt leave me alone trying to sell me new boots. i hadent heard from them so i went in 7 days later and they hadent even touched my skis, and they then hasseled me again about new boots. 3 days after that chandler calls telling me he is about to mount my skis and asks if am i sure i dont want to get new boots. his selling points are "my whole setup will be new, its also not a good idea to use old boots". my boots are 3 years old no worn toe or heel at all. dont ski them, take them back and demand new skis and bindings. if they dont hook you up post this story on tgr, ttips, tay newschoolers...it was bergs mistake they are dicking you around. if you have problems pm me
  9. snowdome on hood?? edit--your in portlad and you dont know you can ski on hood year round!!!!!
  10. mt Washington went HUDGE!! in 2 separate slides on the NE side. i think my friend got a pic, ill try and post it.
  11. thanks for the pics mountain shots. opens at 1pm chains required on everything. as far as the depth, in 98-99 hoodoo had over 240 inches. i think 00-01 was also over 200. sittin at 149" on the manual stake now.
  12. it slid again this morning. hoodoo's closed. ruined a huge powder day. so sad, i get hooked up with a HUGE storm for my b-day, and i cant get to the pow.
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