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Posts posted by mammut_rep

  1. J_Fisher,

    I'm old, weak, and feeble, but I just climbed Polar Circus last Thursday with PU and did it totally leashless. It really isn't that much harder than climbing with leashes. One thing I noticed since using leashless tools is that your footwork and body positioning is much better because it has to be. I now discover many more "no hands" rests since my footwork is better. Don't waste too much time figuring out whether you want to try leashless or not. If you do, you'll just get older and weaker like me and everyone will be climbing past you. Try it, you'll like it...

  2. It hasn't been that warm out there. I was out there over President's Day weekend and there was a lot still up the Goat Creek drainage. Probably is still there. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the stuff up the Gate Creek area is still there also. The season isn't over yet. I got word that Hotline and Flight to Mars are still in and in good shape.

  3. I once had to help haul a guy out from a climb who came off from about 20-25 feet while setting his first screw. He had placed one tool and clipped into the spike from his harness and hung from it. He then tossed the rope over the head of the other tool and yelled "take." Once his hands were free, he started to place his first screw. The mistake that I think he made was that instinctively, he pushed out slightly from the ice to give himself some room to place his first screw (which I've witnessed everyone do while trying to place screws this way). This changed the angle of the pull on the tool that he clipped into and it ripped. All of his weight went to the other tool that had the rope over the head. The downward force on the head shifted the angle of which it was placed into the ice and it also popped sending him to the ground. Fortuntately, because of the position his body was in and that he wasn't "too far" off the ground, he landed feet first. The fall did dislocate his ankle and the force of the impact blew off his inside and outside ankle bones on one leg. He also compressed his spine which forced us to immobilize him before we could get him out of there.


    I think clipping into and hanging from your tools is a bad idea because it is really easy to make a mistake if you don't pay attention to what you are doing. I used to clip into my tools back when I started ice climbing, but stopped because I just didn't like having all of the additional crap (slings, tethers, etc.) hanging in the way. I've also heard of other accidents or falls that were caused by hanging from your tools. I agree with Dale, go leashless. Then you can't hang...

  4. Fern,

    I have an old pair of Black Diamond Seracs in 180cm that have been mounted with Silvrettas but have never been skied on (the Silvrettas have been removed). I'll let them go for $125.00 OBO. It's a good lightweight ski for AT or downhill.

  5. Sorry. I forgot about your second post. As far as I know, you should be able to strip off the grip of the Tech Wings, but if you did that, then essentially they would become the same thing as the Top Wings with leashes. The only difference would be the cradle for your hand at the end of the shaft versus the pinky rest on the Tech Wings. The trigger for your index finger could be removed if you didn't want to use it.

  6. Fern,

    The Tech Wings have the same geometry as their predecessors, the Light Machines. Meaning, that the position of the grip, the angle of the head, and the amount of clearance are the same. The only real differences are the shape of the shaft and the new head design. The shaft of the Tech Wing has a smooth curve to give you clearance, where the old Light Machine had a sharp bend in the middle of the shaft. The new forged head will take the same components as the old Light Machine but has a bit more weight to it. Before I started climbing on Machines and Tech Wings, I climbed on Cobras. I think that the Tech Wings climb a lot like Cobras, but with more clearance than the Cobras. The grip is a bit narrower than BD grips so it fits more hand sizes. Also, one of the biggest things Grivel tools have going for them is their forged picks which are super tough. I haven't found another pick that can take a beating like the Grivel picks. Keep in mind that I'm a rep for Grivel North America, but I've climbed on a lot of BD, Charlet Moser, and other tools in the past. The Tech Wings and Top Wings will be replaced by two new leashless tools in the Fall. Not because they are inferior, but new designs, trends, and/or climbing styles require changes from time to time. So, if you want to pick up a set do it soon. If you can find them on sale, great. If you want to PM me for more info, feel free.

  7. Lawgoddess,

    The G-14's will work for any terrain. In fact, I think they are better crampons for steeper/difficult climbs because there is less weight under your foot compared to the Rambos or even the M-10's. The frontpoints are the same as what is on the Rambos and that is where most of the work is being done. PM me if you want more details.

  8. Hey guys,

    I have an X-Large, orange Patagonia DAS Parka that is about four years old, but in great condition. No rips. No holes. No damage that I can see. Awesome belay parka. Letting it go this season finally. I'm asking $150.00 for it. If anyone is interested in it, PM me.



  9. rbw1966 said:

    I'm with the lawgoddess. I dropped the coin for a pair of mammut schoeller pants and I love them. I almost never wear my bibs anymore. They shed water just dandy, dry quickly, are comfy, wind-resistant and are pimp.




  10. The transmission in my 2000 Grand Caravan has gone out again. The first one went out at 48000 miles. This one lasted only to 93000 miles. The dealership wants to replace it, but I'm thinking I should get a second opinion. Does anyone have any suggestions on a reliable, reasonable mechanic in the Seattle area? Has anyone experienced similar problems with their Dodge transmissions? If so, who worked on it for you? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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