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Posts posted by nonanon

  1. People took the movie too seriously. Lost in Translation was really a cross between Manhattan and a Cheech and Chong comedy. Look at the initials: “LiT”? The biggest clue is that it’s 4:20 on the clock when he wakes up. The whole movie they wander around in a stupor. Jet lag? Yeah, right…

  2. He said "We'll always have Tokyo."


    The question that was bugging me was, who played Lydia Harris? Bob's wife. It's an important role but there's no credit given. Whoever it was, they had another un-credited voice-on-the-phone part in The Virgin Suicides. I'm about 98% sure they were both done by Coppola.

  3. A partner once had an idea for a sticky-backed bolt hanger.

    He was gonna call it the P3, which stood for Purely Psychological Protection.

  4. Gads, don’t lump mine in w/ Doolittle’s statement! I really don’t know who’s cutting your checks. It could be anybody. My point was the same as your own: the desire for murderous revenge is perfectly natural. Whether it’s reasonable is another question. Still, I think you’ve shown us the problem with the “proximity makes for a more objective pov” argument. Afa the “war being about the bling” goes… Dood, I learned that from you.

  5. \Mer"ce*na*ry\, a. [OE. mercenarie, F. mercenaire, fr.

    L. mercenarius, fr. merces wages, reward. See {Mercy}.]

    1. Acting for reward; serving for pay; paid; hired; hireling;

    venal; as, mercenary soldiers.


    2. Hence: Moved by considerations of pay or profit; greedy of

    gain; sordid; selfish. --Shak.


    For God forbid I should my papers blot With

    mercenary lines, with servile pen. --Daniel.


    Syn: See {Venal}.



    \Mer"ce*na*ry\, n.; pl. {Mercenaries}.

    One who is hired; a hireling; especially, a soldier hired

    into foreign service. --Milman.


    Why mince words? Could there possibly BE a more PC term than "security consultant?"

  6. Nice TR, but dood… your partner is a chicken! wave.gif


    There's at least one medium-sized cam placement past that pin. The route (such as it is…) continues up along the left edge of the rubble gully until you can traverse right into the gully of boulders beneath the ears and climb the last fifteen or twenty feet to the bunny's head. The anchors are on the East ear.


    (The Rabbit Ears aren't in Oregon either!)

  7. I think we should hold out until the hardline clerics are overthrown there.


    (That's what I thought about Iraq. If the danger isn’t "imminent” and we’ve got them hemmed in with overflights and an inspection regime, why not just wait it out and spend our resources helping Afghanistan? Better climbing there too. Water under bridges, back to the topic.)

  8. I'd say the corn window is a bit better than 20 min. It always depends upon the day and your altitude anyway. This year there’ll be snow for both sets, but I think you’re right about June being the better choice.


    It's not strictly a tele camp. I spent most of the first day cranking parallel turns with Stuart Craig. Around two I snuck into Leighton Whites class just long enough to get a sense of what a fantastic instructor he is. Then I met Nils on a lift. He was gathering a posse to ski a kicker in Zigzag canyon after hours. That was big fun. Afterwards we went down to the lot for beers on the tailgate. Sat. night after a shower and dinner they show the videos and the instructors will slow or stop the tape to highlight areas where you “need work”.


    Anyway, I don’t know what it costs these days, but imo, it was a bargain. Two days on snow with some of the best instructors you’re ever gonna meet.

  9. Guilty as charged. Slime and I were flaming away at one another for a couple weeks after the helicopter crash on Mt Hood. I hardly ever go there anymore, but Dingus still posts decent TRs from time to time. You wanna see a dead NG, check in on rec.skiing.backcoutry.

  10. That's democracy. How sad'll it be when the Iraqis vote for an Islamo-fascist regime? "Okay, that was your vote. Now, everybody back to the madrassa!"

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