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Posts posted by nonanon

  1. My vote would go for a ski-in site. Corn camp is an art form.



    What works really well is a basin that drains to the North. That way you can ski the East facing walls early in the day and work your way around to the S. and W. aspects as they corn up. Around noon or so, when it all goes to slush, you go to work on the keg and party or power nap or whatever until the East facing walls start catching shade and setting up again. Then it’s time for the evening cocktail runs until the hills turn to ice and it's pardee time back at camp. Sleep, wash, rinse and repeat cycle.

    bigdrink.gif Ski times is good times.

  2. mtn_mouse said:

    Too tense of my brain.


    I’m hoping that the irony of your whining about the spray here by flaming me on another site doesn’t escape you, mr mouse. Other than that, I wish you Freshiez!


    And timmy, “imho” times too. bigdrink.gif

  3. Piker tele geeks… that’s a good thing, right?

    I wouldn’t judge the contents of that book by the comments one lonely f/lamer. Ttips covers all the glisse sliding bases and there’s more solid good info there than you could read in a lifetime, almost. They’re also a lotta fun, too. -JP


  4. I don’t see the parallel. Will all our quarrellings come to naught when the neo-peace riots sweep over our lives?


    Leo’s not near as bad as he coulda been in this one. At least he’s not soaking wet and crying all the time. I couldn’t take another one of those. Unless it was Baz doin' da Bard again. Then, okay, maybe...

  5. Nope. This guy'll strip chains too. I'm thinking specifically of those stations off the ledges. There was a nice set of chains installed there a couple of years ago… for about a week, then, poof! Snaffled off to some mysterious stash of slings and rings.


    Think about it. Shouldn’t that tree on tree ledge have something fixed around it? That poor thing is getting badly grooved from climbers rapping-off sans slings. But if you set it up with a nice coated chain and rings, or even a good stout set of slings and I guarantee, whatever you’ve fixed will be gone within two weeks.


    I have no idea what’s up there, but it’s a PITA.


  6. It's all in "the Book," or almost all, anyway.



    Does anyone have any idea why that guy keeps cutting out the rap rings and webbing? Stations don't last a week up there. Someone’s got a freakin’ trunk full of webbing, rap rings and ratty old biners. Is there some “ethic” that’s being enforced here or what?


  7. OK, I'm gonna do some suckin' up here, but after this, that's it.


    You guys, that new front page layout is simply beootiful. I've gotta say, this whole site is amazingly well laid out. And w/o a doubt the quickest, easiest web-based forum I've ever seen in years of online lurkin'. Of course, the whole thing sucks when compared to a real newsreader, but for the web, this is very very nice. Congrats on a job well done. You guys have obviously worked really hard on this. bigdrink.gif


    OK, that's over. Where's the freakin' freshiez?



  8. Here’s my thinking wrt nicotine:

    That cigarette you want will suck. It’ll never be as good as you think it’ll be. It’ll taste terrible and stink up your life and you’ll be kicking yourself for being an idiot. The cigarette you really want comes about a pack and a half after the first one, maybe two weeks from now.


    The question I ask myself is: “Do I really want to smoke two packs just to get one good one two weeks from now?” Framed that way my answer is no, not really, I don’t. In fact, not just no… Hell No! But that’s just what I tell myself. I’d tell you to give it a couple of weeks. A month goes by without ‘em and you’ll be wondering what the big deal was.


  9. I’ll leave any writerly advice for well… for the writers. But I do want to take quibbling exception to your characterization of lurkers as “creepy.” Lurkers are readers. And readers are who writers write for! There’s nothing even vaguely creepy about having readers around. I look at it this way: who’s more creepy? The lurker quietly reading the threads and topics that interest them, or the guy (or gal…) with nothing to say about climbing who won’t stop talking shit? Don’t get me wrong, nobody loves shit talking as much as I do (any wonder?), but I also respect those who want to lurk. To me, they represent raw potential. A vast and as yet untapped resource of information and bullshit. So I say, “Lurk on, you silent masses. They also contribute who STFU.” I’ll go lurk now…

  10. You won’t get my vote. I’d rather see REI give up on house gear altogether. Leave the design, testing and manufacturing duties to companies that can specialize in making coats, boats and bikes and get back to selling well made gear at better than average prices. Saving members money by making larger purchase orders is why REI was formed in the first place, wasn’t it?


    As it stands now, REI is in competition with the companies that just want to design and build great gear. REI has no incentive to make a truly kick-ass parka, they only have to de-design one, so that it sells at a slightly lower price point than a Marmot, Patagonia or Arcteryx, where the truly innovative design ideas are coming from. IMO, that’s a recipe for mediocrity, lowering the bar for all gear design. When has REI ever tried to put a piece of gear “over the top” design-wise, like Arcteryx did?


    I’ve never seen any MEI stuff, but from what I’ve heard it’s pretty good.


  11. I tried that once. We skied in there through knee-deep snow and climbed rotten rime on the left side of the falls. I chickened-out about halfway up, threw a sling around a tree and lowered off. We messed around on toprope for awhile until some shutterbug on snowshoes following our trench started giving us a hard time for “ruining” the ice!


    At one time, I mentioned the wall in question to his Timness. I can’t remember exactly what he said about it, but he wasn’t wildly enthusiastic.

  12. The Horse and the Chicken


    Once upon a time there were a horse and a chicken who were good friends. They lived on a farmyard with lots of other animals and were very happy.


    One day, while they were playing near the farm's pond, the horse stepped into a hole of quicksand. The horse rapidly sank and was yelling for his friend, the chicken, to save him. The chicken thought for a minute, then ran away. The chicken ran back to the farmhouse, and jumped into the farmer's 735csi BMW. Luckily, the keys were in the ignition, and the chicken managed to start the car, and put it in gear. It raced over to the sinkhole, where the horse had almost disappeared by now.


    The smart chicken tied a rope around the back of the BMW and threw the other end around the front legs of the horse. The chicken hopped back in the driver's seat and stepped on the gas. Ever so slowly, the horse eased out of the quicksand and jumped to safety. The horse, still on shaky legs, stuttered, "You just saved my life. Thank you!" The chicken just said "Don't mention it - That's what friends are for!!" They returned the BMW and went out to dinner together in the barn yard.


    A few days later, the horse got up from a good night's rest, and heard some muffled cries for help coming from the backyard. The horse followed the sounds and came upon a terrible scene. There was his best friend, the chicken, stuck in a hole of quicksand! The sand was already up to his neck-feathers and the cries for help had almost stopped. The horse took a quick look around. No rope in sight. And the farmer had gone to town with his BMW. What to do?


    The horse took a deep breath and spread his body and legs out over the hole. His member was dangling down right above the poor chicken. "Here, my friend, grab my thingy and I will pull you to safety!" With its last bit of energy, the chicken grabbed a hold of the big horse-thingy and the horse straightened its body, pulling the chicken from its trap. With one big step, both were on solid ground and safe.


    The chicken slumped down on the ground, exhausted: "Now You saved my life, my friend!!" The horse just smiled.


    And what is the moral of this story????

    If you're hung like a horse, you don't need a BMW to pick up chicks.

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