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Posts posted by nonanon

  1. Well Frank settled down in the Valley

    and hung his wild years

    on a nail that he drove through

    his wife's forehead

    he sold used office furniture

    out there on San Fernando Road

    and assumed a $30,000 loan

    at 15 1/4 % and put down payment

    on a little two bedroom place

    his wife was a spent piece of used jet trash

    made good bloody marys

    kept her mouth shut most of the time

    had a little Chihuahua named Carlos

    that had some kind of skin disease

    and was totally blind. They had a

    thoroughly modern kitchen

    self-cleaning oven (the whole bit)

    Frank drove a little sedan

    they were so happy


    One night Frank was on his way home

    from work, stopped at the liquor store,

    picked up a couple Mickey's Big Mouths

    drank 'em in the car on his way

    to the Shell station, he got a gallon of

    gas in a can, drove home, doused

    everything in the house, torched it,

    parked across the street, laughing,

    watching it burn, all Halloween

    orange and chimney red then

    Frank put on a top forty station

    got on the Hollywood Freeway

    headed north


    Never could stand that dog




  2. I hot wax regularly, but very rarely break out a file and then only for the biggest burrs. The one time I had my skis professionally tuned, I let them bevel the edges and absolutely hated the way they skied ever after. Years ago, there was an article in some climbing magazine about ski mountaineering. IIRC, the writer recommended never tuning or waxing your skis because if you’re on an expedition, they’ll inevitably go to shit so you oughta just get used to it. Easily the worst advise I ever read.

  3. A friend and I climbed the Tilly Jane trail just for fun. We didn’t hit snow until around 4,900’ after which there were only a few spots of bare ground to cross. Made it to the A-frame in 1hr45m and continued up along the Southern ridge of the Elliot until we got to 7,300’. As usual, the snow was pretty wind-impacted up there and it sure didn’t look like it’d be getting much better further up, so we pulled the pin and ripped back down over variable ice and crust to treeline where conditions improved muchly. For the rest of the afternooon we followed the “never leave good snow to find good snow” school and fired-off laps of tree shots before heading down trail. The trail had corned up nicely and we were able to fly down to snowline with only a little mowing of beargrass. No epics of mountaineering will be written about our trip. We just had a fun day on skis.


    Good to see you here, Extremo! Good luck with that knee. bigdrink.gif


  4. Primer mi carucha, chevy '39

    Going to El Monte Legion Stadium

    Pick up on my weesa, she is so divine

    Helps me stealing hubcaps, wasted all the time


    Fuzzy dice, bongos in the back

    My ship of love is ready to attack

    Won’t you please

    Hear my pleas


  5. Rubisa Patrol - Art Lande/Mark Isham

    My Song - Keith Jarrett

    Glow - Innocence Mission

    Armed Forces - Elvis Costello

    Martinis and Bikinis - Sam Phillips

    Chicago Transit Authority - CTA (for side one alone)

    Discipline - King Crimson

    Eleven Tracks of Whack - Walter Becker

    Basket of Light - Pentangle


    Come to think of it, I've replaced all but two of these for one reason or another...


  6. People who won’t “cover” their cough. madgo_ron.gif

    That one’s always peeved me off, but I imagine it becoming a more common annoyance in months to come…

  7. Why would they re-make a Spanish language version?



    The original had hardly any dialog to speak of...


    Catch "The Quiet American" before it leaves the theatres. bigdrink.gif

  8. Dru said:

    actually, when i did the test, when i filled out the biographical stuff at the end, i put in some fake name and age that indicated i was 7 years old, and that apparently threw the system for a loop, cause little kids aren't supposed to fill out their biographical details online - so it clammed up and refused to tell me my score and i just made one up


    Deduct 75 points for not being able to figure out how to tweak the page.


  9. sexual_chocolate said:



    Anyone get I think question 35, with the colors in the squares and circles? Totally stumped me.


    Allow me to exercise my newly found Insightful Linguisousity.



    The olorscay from the previous aresquay shifted to opposite idessay and two new olorcay were introduced to the order.



    Did someone say Pimpz??? bigdrink.gif

  10. Nice pictures!


    I was soaking it all in at SkiHole, yesterday. Slushiez all over the place! Outback was stellar up top, but mighty thin on those exit shots to the Log road. I screwed up a landing (all by myself!) and came away with a headache and a slightly black eye. cantfocus.gif


    Good luck with the knee, IandI.

  11. Ripped from the pages of rec.climbing this AM.


    Martin Carpenter" <mcarpenter@free.fr> wrote in message news:<3e79ed2d$0$30730$626a54ce@news.free.fr>...


    > "Acrophobic" <rbras@hotmail.com> wrote


    > > seems to have been down for a few days.


    > DNS problems frown.gif


    > NetSol have done something bad to the authority records and are

    > struggling to fix it. In the meantime, the IPs are gradually expiring

    > from DNS caches around the world...


    > If you're an addict, then you can put the IP(s) in your hosts file and

    > still get to the site. You'll need a few lines like this:


    > www.rockclimbing.com

    > photos.rockclimbing.com

    > ads.rockclimbing.com


    > If you're running a Windows flavoured machine, the hosts file is

    > typically:


    > C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts


    > and under UNIX-like systems, it's:


    > /etc/hosts


    > You should remove these lines when the DNS problems are fixed, just in

    > case the IPs change in the future.


    > Martin (please don't ask me who I work for).



    HIH bigdrink.gif

  12. The FreshieQuest was a Success. bigdrink.gif

    There was plenty of snow in the Tatoosh. It was snowing when we pulled in Friday afternoon. It started to clear just after we’d set up camp, so we did some cocktail runs on the slopes East of Reflection Lks. Powder, turns, smiles. Saturday dawned clear and cold to bluebird skies, windless climbing in shirtsleeves and more powder everywhere. Pow in the chutes below and to skier’s right of the Castle. Pow in the treelines leading back to camp. Pow on the ridgetops. A new benchmark in bc days for me. I skied until I couldn’t hardly stand up anymore and limped back into camp around 4:20. Sunday, we got in one long run on the NE side of the Unicorn, I think... Would love to of explored more but the visibility was going South and we had to drag our camp back to the trailhead. It was snowing heavily down to the park entrance as we drove away.


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