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Posts posted by RobBob

  1. 026.jpg


    I've never thought this gal was that hot...but there's something great about this picture. I suppose it's the sweet-and-innocent look of the upper half of the photo, juxtaposed against the peekaboo shot of promised land at the bottom. thumbs_up.gif

  2. The first European settlement on this continent was in Florida. The first English colony was in North Carolina. Are those in the North or the South? Ever heard of Jamestown? It’s in Virginia. Plymouth was much later. Boy, dumb ass, check your facts before you speak.


    Hmmmm...you know, actually this fellow's correct. And on a seasonal note, the first thanksgiving in the "new world" actually took place on the banks of the James River in Virginia, a year before the pilgrims even arrived at Plymouth Rock.


    Many of the fathers of our country were "Southerners," guys like Patrick Henry, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson.


    The original rant that was posted to start this thread is just about the dumbest thing I've read in a long time. rolleyes.gif

  3. Taken in another context, can you can see how stupid your argument sounds? No one lives in a vacuum. We are all responsible.


    If you had a father or grandfather who was a WWII vet, he'd be ashamed of your naive, assinine statement that is designed to sound politically-correct.

  4. Exactly. After WWII, we should have had a showdown with the Soviet Union over eastern Europe? If we were all living in the US in the mid-1940s, every one of us would've been strongly against that idea. The US was not responsible for the Soviets' pillaging of eastern Europe. The Soviet Union was responsible for its own actions, and no one else. A lot of people suffered due at the hands of the Soviets---let's lay the blame where it's fully due.

  5. and one more thing- if it wasn't for the divission of europe by US and british government in Yalta in 1941 millions of people like myself would not have to escape in the first place, so shut the fuck up you dickwad. i dion choose to meve here, i was forced to. i was forced because the president of the US decided that coutry like poland will be sold to the soviet union. you really pissed me off you cock sucking fuckwad.


    Rumr, I don't care what anybody's personal circumstances are, if they want to blame the US for the gulags that the Soviet Union was responsible for, yes, I've got a problem with that. That's like saying that you are responsible for some guy robbing me at gunpoint because you didn't stop the guy. Bullshit---the guy who did the crime is responsible.


    I stand by my opinion. One doesn't get the right to speak louder or have higher moral authority just because they endured adversity. That's a different subject entirely, and I have plenty of empathy and respect for CPB if that's been his life story. But it doesn't give him any more right than anyone else to rant about how bad the country is, make disparaging generalizations about various American groups, and bugger history and geography in the process.

  6. so uif you don't like what i have to say don't read it- simple- fuck off. second to acuse me of being left leaning is stupid, as you don't know anything about my past. and since i reside in this coutry and i am forced to pay taxes the same as every one alse i have the same right to voice my opinion.

    and one more thing- if it wasn't for the divission of europe by US and british government in Yalta in 1941 millions of people like myself would not have to escape in the first place, so shut the fuck up you dickwad. i dion choose to meve here, i was forced to. i was forced because the president of the US decided that coutry like poland will be sold to the soviet union. you really pissed me off you cock sucking fuckwad.


    CPB, I honestly think that you are more intelligent than this. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, and believing that today you are so constipated that you just have a shitty outlook on life.


    You didn't end up in this country because the big bad US forced you to come here. You are God-damn lucky that you ended up here, and that your family was not enslaved in the filthy work-camps that made up eastern Europe after WWII. Yes, unfortunately that's what the USSR made them after the war---I saw it for myself. You are so fucking lucky that you didn't end up in that life, you ought to thank the US every day for it. You get to blow your mouth off to your heart's content on this website, indulge in all your homocentric insults, practice medicine without a license in the Body Results Forum. And you could go back to Poland tomorrow if it were a better life for you.


    Lucky you! wave.gifthumbs_up.gif


    Have a good evening, lucky bastard!

  7. tg and conrad, you are lame spewing loosers. if you like guns so much, why don't you join the army or marines and go to iraq or afganistan?


    This thread was so stupid from the first post that I really wanted to ignore it. I mean, a left-leaning guy from eastern Europe posts the rant of an ignoramus who confuses practically all the states except those in New England and the PNW for "the South." Then proceeds to tell us what's wrong with the country. I mean, who's looking ignorant here? CrazyPolishBob, your post above just begs the reply "If you hate the laws here in this country of which you are not native, then why did you come...just to vent your spleen?" Give it up. Don't tell me about the fucking South. Don't give me a history lesson. Don't try to tell me what rights I should or shouldn't have.

  8. Actually I agree with what you're saying, Jon.


    And I have a little girl who we hope to keep from becoming 'mature' by age 9, but I'm afraid you can't fight today's environment. (I was hoping that organic milk would keep that phenomenon from happening, but I don't think it's gonna work.)

  9. Women having kids at age 43 and shit because dad wants to live a little before settling down.







    yeah! what he said!


    bullshit and bullshit. Women are firmly in control of the reproductive end of things in a relationship. Women are the ones choosing to have babies later because they want to 'have a career' a little.

  10. oh and one more thing - old, fat, balding ,bible toting MALE conservatives are deciding what a woman can and can't do with her own body. I'd love for one of them to have an unwanted pregnancy.


    I disagree ChrisT---the electorate, who apparently are more fundamentalist than any of us may want to believe, are deciding that. It ain't pretty, but it's true.


    This morning I tried to make a hotel reservation to travel on business next week to Memphis. Every decent hotel is booked. I asked a reservations gal what's going on in Memphis. She said "Church of Gawd in Christ Convention." I replied "oh Lord," to which she sweetly said "He'll probably be there...I know he's invited!" cantfocus.gif

  11. I'll preface this by saying I abstained from presidential voting yesterday, and I think that we have a mess in Iraq. But a lot of people who are outraged about Iraq seem to think that it is unprecedented in this country to have such a large division of opinion when it comes to the subject of war. Bullshit. Americans have always been divided on the subject of war.


    For instance, the nostalgic assertion that the nation united into the "greatest generation" in order to win World War II is false. The truth is, 63% of US soldiers were drafted in World War II. There was a tremendous antiwar outcry. For most of this time, the conscription was so unpopular that it was limited to 1 year, and a Hell of a lot of people fought to avoid it. Similarly, 72% of US soldiers in World War I were drafted.


    Time to put the outrage about the fact that we are there in Iraq behind us. It is time now to only focus on how best to get out and at the same time leave the region in some semblance of stability.

  12. I for one feel much safer for not being stalked by the likes of trask and GregW although there was no one funnier than Caveman - R.I.P.


    I must've missed the stalking behavior...trask is certainly profane and he doesn't understand that in that department, 'less is more' could work for him. But he does understand that it takes opposing views to have fun, as he has so eloquently stated over at that 'other' site:


    The only problem I see with this site is if you don't have some libs and do-gooders to kick around it could get boring here in the battle cage. We can only call each other sheep shaggers so many times. We need some cocksmokers like sexchoco and jb to thrash. Somebody should go over to cc.com and tell em trask says he's fucked all their wives and daughters.


    Now I know some of you cracked a smile reading that. hahaha.gif

  13. okay, selkirk and I kissed and made up. It was all a big misunderstanding and we promised to leave each others' mommas alone. but I meant what I said about running all the opposing avatars and opinions away. It's starting to sound like the sound of one hand clapping.

  14. Chuckie, once again, I'm a registered independent who abstained because I couldn't stand the thought of supporting either of these candidates. But to truly be in the middle is to default yourself into being a foil for the left at cc.com.


    Jim, the problem with ascensionist.com is that it's the 100% reverse: It's like Hee Haw over there...they are lying around barefoot on the front porch, bored to tears with each other...one's sighting his rifle, another's reading the Turner Diaries, while another spews pornographic vitriol over anything that isn't right-wing ideology. At least they DO have a sense of humor for the most part, but they need to be leavened with a few of you here that still have a little sense of humor left in your souls.

  15. Is spelling the best you can do? As usual, insulting people is pointless argument tactic meant to discredit the individual on issues completely unrelated to the argument at hand. If your arguments don't stand sufficiently on their own, then the insults, and slanders come out. If your arguments can't stand on their own then that's your own problem....


    rolleyes.gifWhat has happened to this place? Two years ago, any political thread was rife with humor, insults, jabs, and good fun. It was populated with a bunch of people who purported to have wildly differing mindsets, and honking the noses of the opinionated was the norm. Spray was rollicking, insulting, relatively-self-censored and a damn good time, like an all-day beer party.


    Now, thanks to a pogrom that has run off a large share of the catalysts and the funniest people who used to post here, a "spray style" handbook and a placement at the bottom of the page, this place sucks. You people are about as tolerant as Mattp and Allison at a NARAL meeting. 95% of you have the same politics and you'd like to make it 100%. You don't realize that it's no fun all having the same opinion...until it's all over and the thing sucks the way this place now does.


    Hell, I voted today and I abstained on the presidential ballot. I'm registered as an independent. But you bunch of tools are so far left that you've convinced yourselves that anybody who doesn't think just like you is a wild-eyed Republican. Fuck you you if you can't take a joke. I'm done with it. thumbs_down.gif

  16. I was at my fire dept precinct when it opened. As 7 of us filed in they handed us our paper ballots and pens and told us to "spread out around the room." I guess the idea was "no copying."

  17. Jim, you are making the mistake of tying Osama together with this administration.


    I've got news for you. Osama would like to kill you and your family. His mania and resources were hard at work before this administration was elected, and may endure long after they are gone.


    Do yourself a favor and acknowledge the nature of the threat.

  18. I mailed mine off on monday and new who I was going to vote for 6 months ago... your point is....????


    You spell like Dan Quayle.


    The fact of the matter is that there has always been a mechanism for those living abroad to vote by absentee. I think that within a few years, independent thinkers will agree that absentee voting has led to more-widespread fraud than previously existed.


    I thought this was going to be a thread about the old Democratic trick of enrolling folks in the graveyard.

  19. Okay, I'm starting to buy into the climate change idea. But you guys still are a bunch of pussies. Reason is that this fits into your whole rage against the machine philosophy, so naturally your solution to this problem is to force US industry to its knees and take away cars from Americans before you think the rest of the world ought to do a fucking thing about it themselves. And you don't think that we ought to leverage the shit out of this issue when trading with the people who are the biggest offenders and who are importing our jobs and $: Primarily those in Asia.


    I say put heavy trade sanctions in first. No free trade with China, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc. until emissions are honestly enumerated and regulated , whether they be dung fires in the home, or sweatshops, or vehicles. Stepwise moves into "free trade" as the playing field levels, in both rates of pollutants per unit of hydrocarbons used...and in birth rate.


    The number of people on this planet has a tremendously simple relationship to its present and future environmental problems. We can simultaneously deal with the Asian brown cloud AND fairly level the economic playing field to ALL nations' advantage in this manner.

  20. that's the kind of feedback I'm looking for. the candidates for this job are not likely to be found locally, and are spread around the US major metros..likely to have 5 yrs experience in this branch of sales. so Monster may be the best answer. But I hate to spend a grand to find out it's not!

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