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Posts posted by Scottish_wanker

  1. New member, been reading spray and TR to understand local scene and what gives dudes???


    Let me explain.


    Typical TR from my era in Scotland

    " The smell of vomit from last night's booze and indian curry burnt my nostrils as I slogged up the bog to the base of Zero gully. It was snowing and my wool clothing was itching my back as I drew near my climb. Horizontal sleet, full conditions, no English on the Ben today, they'd all be down south in their tube socks and balley shoes clambering over their beloved gritstone.I took an extra wrap on my axe and sank it into the ice, 1.00pm and only two hours till dark...........Ahh this is the life.......


    Whereas here a TR might look like this

    "I had just finished the tapering period of my 18 week training cycle and had decided to attempt a AI4,M9,70% 5.10,C2 on Karma Peak. I had loaded up on carbs and drunk 1 litre of Cytomax and consumed 100mg of Gu. My brain synchronization had centered me and as I clothed myself in my new Arcteryx bibs( I love those zip garages!)I attempta figure four with my carbon fibre cobras...............


    You guys all turning cissy or what.??????

  2. New arrival to area , did Sahale via arm on weekend. Love at first sight, the Northern Cascades are awesome!!!!!

    Looking for advise on next outing in couple of weeks.

    Thinking about Doraldo Neeedle, Northwest Ridge, any beta Northwet dudes??Taking it slow until I know the area.

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