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Posts posted by chilly

  1. My wife and I with two of our climbing partners made an attempt mid-January but unfortunatley we were weathered out at 16,200. Otherwise, we had a great time and learned alot about expedition climbing and will take a bit less equipment and food next time we go. I don't know how much info. you wanted but basically we hit a bad weather window for two days at 16,200. We then went down to base camp and got dumped on by a foot of snow. At base camp we heard a forecast for bad weather for the next 2-3 days. So after ten days on the mountain we hightailed it out and spent the rest of our trip touring up and down Chile for 16 days. Next time we will go back with lighter loads and do a few things different. Altogether a great experience with my wife and friends. thumbs_up.gif

  2. The most fun my wife and I had was climbing around Zermatt. It was great climbing during the day and then going to get a beer in town before crashing in our cushy hotel room. It was a nice room...... smileysex5.gif

  3. I went through 3 Suunto Vector's and I am ready to return my Suunto Xlander due to heavy fogging on the display. The 3 Vector's problems ranged from fogging to the dial falling off. When they are working properly they are great, I just swap it out each time at Return Eq. Inc. and get a new one.

  4. Here's my one cent.....


    Get a Mchale's if your hardcore, demand the best and are going to use it often for the next 10 years.


    Get a cheaper brand if you don't get out too much and aren't hard on your gear.


    I LIKE BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. This must be a growing trend, I had to fend one off on 10/22/02 while hiking in Mt. Rainier Nat'l Park. Nailed it with a rock from 10-12 feet. That only pissed it off, it decided to run when my wife and friend ran down the trail yelling at it. I think the cougar was sizing me up for a little snack... [chubit]

    ..I needed a couple [big Drink][big Drink] that night..

  6. I am also a hardcore Bibler fan.....I have used my Fitzroy since 96', from rainy trail hikes, to winter camping with heavy snowloads, to local mountaineering trips to international climbs. Great tent, great lifetime warranty. I tried all the rest and settled with the best....Now I am saving my nickels and dimes for a bombshelter....I'll have to sell more [HORSECOCK]

  7. Northern Loop trail is good if anyone is looking for a long day, approx. 37 miles, lots of gain and loss. 10/13, did it from Ipsut to Windy Gap and around back to Ipsut, 11h. 45m. All bridges/footlog river crossings are in, and a little bit of snow on the high points. Great fall colors, minimal animal sightings. [Cool]

  8. I had an XGK for about 3 years with no problem. I went to Mexico on a climb and it went downhill from there. I sent it back to MSR and they rebuilt it and it worked great about 3 times and then it went to hell again. I bought the rebuild kit and it still ran poorly. Possibly a lemon, I don't know.....I now have the Dragonfly and found that if I run it at full blast above 8,000 feet it sputters and dies...Starting to piss me off at this point...Anyone have similiar problems? I follow all instructions and use MSR white gas.


    I will just have to bring [big Drink] and eat raw [HORSECOCK] for now on.

  9. Honest attempt, but it's hit and miss with the weather in October. If the weather is bomber next Sun. I will do the NLT, Ipsut to Ipsut, about 35 miles or so. That trip is always a good challenge. Normally, for me it takes around 13 hours, I will watch the weather and decide on Fri. or Sat. [rockband]

  10. How about a T.R. Mr. Radon and Daytripper. The weather was pretty good on our weenie hike from Fryingpan Creek to I-Bar. After a night of swilling beer and eating good the weather was bomber from I-Bar to Stevens Canyon.......Hope all went well..........Have a couple [big Drink][big Drink]

  11. A rope team of Germans on the Breithorn asked us, right after we jumped over a large crevasse, "what are those"? We replied "what are what"? We finally found out what they were asking about, they were asking about our pickets. We explained to them what they were and they said why use those, we just call in a helicopter......



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