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Everything posted by Eric_L_Moon

  1. Thanks for the explanation Daler, it sure is nice to here from a corporate stooge like you. Isn't it funny that people bitch about the attitude of FF employees, and you work(ed?) there! Ha ha ha.
  2. I think TLG will clearly win the big ski race. Allisons chain smoking, and multiple broken ankles will be her downfall.
  3. In my new Access Notes is an article discussing how a prime concern ofthe FS in the NW is user built trails. Mt Persing (Persis), and several others were cited as examples. It was further noted that if trail degradation occurs, then closeures would ensue. Are user trails a prime concern?, or are they a prime concern of threatened buearocrats worried about their personal fiefdoms?
  4. After suffering a trail running injury on thursday, I decided to check out the ISA World Tree Climbing Championships on Saturday. It was so good I spent all weekend there! Of coarse I met AlpineK, who I had run into on a professional level several years ago. What a great guy, and he gave me a realistic lowdown on the chatracters here, and how I shouldn't take everytthing so seriously. These champion Tree Climbers must be on par with people like Chris Sharma, etc. They can really scamper around. It was a particular thrill to watch the German winner do a spectacular swing and never loose a beat. It was a lot of fun.
  5. Did this route several years ago. It was great. The long hand crack was a lot of fun. When we did it all the anchors were gear. Which stations got bolted? I could see the one atop the handcrack needing bolts, but all the rest were fine.
  6. Well, I figured this was the sort of juvenial response I would get. Just like middle schools. Oh, Eric, wow! Sorry I doubted your hardcore street creds. You are so cool to quote Snoop with his common usage of the N word. It must make you feel so naughty. While some people may think you are a nasty little poseur, I know that you are way ghetto. Jon, you should be proud of yourself. Horsecock, horsecock, horsecock. How old are you? What do you do for a living? You must beat your wife too. I would like to thank the several posters who sent me PM's in support, but are too afraid of this immature bunch to weigh in. To paraphrase Alex: This site detracts from this site.
  7. Before I even begin, I will admit to being only a beginner climber, a lurker, a poor speller (I teach chem), and a gaper. I have been following this sight before "Muir on...", and have been amussed by the likes of Dwayne, PP, CrazyPolishBob, Dennis, Dru, Cavey, et al. But I don't think that the moderators enforce the rules evenly and fairly, and in fact the moderators need policing. It seems as if you are in the inner clique, you can do a lot more, than if you are a member of the general public. If you remember Bonzo, who was just a terrible person, and was justifiably banned. Several times I have read posts that alluded to the fact that Bonzo was one of the moderators. It seems that this person is in no way fit for the job. Then there is Eric's posts which always feature a rather intimidating black gang member. I think this is clearly problematical given the lilly white nature of this sport. I wonder why Jon and Tim allow such behavior from their people.
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