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Everything posted by dR

  1. Hey...I've been up on Baker a couple times in the past couple weeks (coleman headwall and CD) and it seems to me that with the late snowfall accumulation that august would be okay...having said that, it has been quite warm for a number of days now and looks to continue for a little more...of course the crevasses will be more of an issue, along with the berg. at the base of the approach variation (which i strongly recommend if it'll go)...but i have climbed the n.ridge in july of a year with far less snowfall...so i guess what i'm trying to say is ya, i think early august will work...hope this helps a little...good climbing... dR
  2. Hey Mountaingoat...I did the Ruth-Icy traverse last year, very memorable trip...good to hear others enjoy it too... Hey BobbyPeru...I was in the area you are asking about maybe 2 weeks ago...thinking back (and looking at a few slides) there was some snow lingering on the ridge, but not a lot...probably much less with the weather in the last week or so...nooksack tower still has some snow on it, perhaps that would be an indication of what's on cloudcap?...good luck and I look forward to your TR...
  3. Hey Mountaingoat...I did the Ruth-Icy traverse last year, very memorable trip...good to hear others enjoy it too... Hey BobbyPeru...I was in the area you are asking about maybe 2 weeks ago...thinking back (and looking at a few slides) there was some snow lingering on the ridge, but not a lot...probably much less with the weather in the last week or so...nooksack tower still has some snow on it, perhaps that would be an indication of what's on cloudcap?...good luck and I look forward to your TR...
  4. Yes, we missed good weather by a day or so...good climb though...There were a couple guys from BC doing the N. Ridge on the same day...wonder how they made out??...Hopefully without too much trouble from the weather...
  5. DRU...I've got an old pair or Ballets that are sized a little smaller than you intend to...I must say, there are many climbs when I've been happy to slide my socked foot into them when the mercury drops while my partners are cursing w/ tight barefoot clad shoes...I'm talking lightweight thorlo trekking sox...
  6. Has anybody ever gone in and done any routes on this tower?? How is the rock quality? How is the Pro? What route did you do? Thanx in advance... [ 06-27-2002, 08:56 PM: Message edited by: dR ]
  7. If anybody still looking for some turns to be had...check out Ruth, it's in excellent shape right now...gentle terrain but easy access and sweet locale...
  8. Hey...I did the Ruth-Icy trip last september and it was quite memorable...you'll have more snow of course, but here goes...climbed ruth then descended toward icy on the west flanks of ruth..gully leads down to connecting bench...gully was very loose scree (snow now?)...from here stay on the bench top for sure as you make your way towards icy...trend to the west side of bench as you approach glacier...don't go too high on the glacier, pretty much a straight line toward craggy outcrop on the right of the peaks...there is a notch here to gain S side access...i began to climb the E peak first via the very loose west arete if you can call it that, then traversed to the west face, 5.2 only a couple moves and flaky somewhat loose but more predictable...downclimbed that face to retreat back and climb fun little 3/4th SW route on W peak..downclimbed that (there are rap anchors there)..retraced steps back to ruth...important thing...when you reach that loose gully leading back up towards ruth take the E routh beside the gully, not in it...was quite quick and not so unsavoury...might be snow though??...good day trip and nice way to see the wilder side of shuksan and peek into the pickets...goat there too! enjoy
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