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    Portland, OR

Michael_Kennedy's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. Well that clinches it: I never think clearly. How simple. Thanks. Now I remember, saving weight. I got a lobotomy. We only use 15% of the stuff anyway, right? And if you don't have any brains to damage, you save even more by leaving the helmet home.
  2. We're everywhere. Now if I can just figure out how to change my display name - wasn't thinking clearly when I created this profile. Don't know why . . .
  3. Exactly. I got the impression that pleasant threads weren't allowed on this site. Where are the auto-ballistic spraymongers when we really need them?
  4. Pete, Long time no speak. Very cool recount. What else you got planned this year in our neighborhood? Michael.
  5. Expounding on a previous post: If the new snow is deep enough to necessitate snowshoes, you're probably a day or two of consolidation from "safe" conditions - by my subjective threshold at least. Yes, it's Hood and avalanche accidents are infrequent, but the last death by a slide wasn't that long ago.
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