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Posts posted by sk

  1. Note to self; hike often with those named Gimpy. If not hiking with gimp, use distraction.


    You rule! I may not get there fast, but I get there [big Grin]

  2. quote:

    Originally posted by Dru:

    "man made brick walls"


    How do you know a Woman didn't make them???
    [Roll Eyes]

    I thaught this was the DEAR POPE advise thred, But since you are here:


    Dear Dru


    There is this guy on a bbs that keeps cracking wise on me. I find him amusing, but he is unrelenting. Is it that he finds my fine crack climbing skill intmidating? Perhaps my beauty makes him week in the knees. Maybe it is just that he needs to get laid???? As I am married I can not realy help him out of his dificult situation. What would you suggest?


    yours [Wink]


  3. Dear Pope,


    I am affraid that I may have a "climbing problem". Here it is : I will climb almost any thing. Tree's, the walls at the gym, the "woody" in my garage, sport, I clean after my hun on trad, top rope, I boulder, I even climb the walls in my house. I have stoped the car to climb brick buildings and human made rock walls. Please help.


    sincerely [Wink]



    [ 04-29-2002, 10:26 AM: Message edited by: sk ]

  4. Anna and I went to smith this weekend. I forgot my handsome Rope Gun at home( left him with the kids [big Grin] ) So we were on our own. We drove threw snow, rain, and finaly hit sun on the other side of the montains. Weather as PERFECT all weekend!!! Anna Hiked my ass of. We climed like mad women, Got on some burley climbes on the student wall. My fave was "big man on campus" great crack!!!! shared our camp site... Got oggeled by burly climber man while doing morning yoga,Climed again, only not like mad woman this time, more like so sore woman, can't move..oooowwwweeee, We drank beer, laughed, I fell alot, and poor Anna had to continualy wate for me while I brushed the dirt off my bum. We walked arround and watched this guy climb right near chainreaction. It was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I totaly had the opertunity to challenge myself, and remember why I love to climb, to feel fear, and over come it. To knock the hell out of myself and move on. I learned, I had a GREAT time. What did you all do ??? [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]


    [ 04-29-2002, 09:08 AM: Message edited by: sk ]



    Originally posted by trask:

    does my ass look big in this thong??
    [Roll Eyes]

    no hun, you look BEAUTIFL!!! [laf]


    erik [Wink] porr guy, is he always a GRUMP too?

  5. Ever heard of Pan???


    Greek god of all you boys love. Sexy hunneys, mind altering herbs, he liked to Party. Half goat. NO accident. Plus he could Climb like a goat.... Hmmmm does the KTK have a logo??? Maybe you should.....


    [ 04-26-2002, 04:37 PM: Message edited by: sk ]


    so what? I'm not allowed my own sick sense of humor? is yours for sale or something [Wink]


    kidletts look at me wierd when I laugh out loud at the computer.... it's been a SLOW day [Razz]

  6. I once lived in an apartment with two cats that were "functional" shall we say? The entire house hold stoped watching tv, we had entertainment at home. Today is sucking for me as well. The moments draaaaagggggg. Kids wont nap, sky is gray BLAH!!!!


    [ 04-26-2002, 03:18 PM: Message edited by: sk ]

  7. Maybe as a group we need to get some lobbiest, before the government tells us what we are going to do, maybe we should tell them what we will do. Just a thaught. I have a doller or two to donate to a cause. I just don't want some asshole in washington DC telling me what I can and can't climb and how I aught to do that. THer are alot of climbers. we could make an impact if we could find a way to work together. Perhaps we could solve that other "issue" that I am loath to bring up... [hell no]

  8. Mouthy bitch on rampage:

    headline eugene RG.

    woman takes out boulderer for "invading space"


    Thanx guys, next time I'll kick the guys ass. To hell with pussy bull shit.


    Honestly I think that too many learn to climb in the gym and think that it is the same outside. The collums give people a false sense of security because it is close to the gym, not very tall. I have seen SOOOOOO many people use UNSAFE anchors, unsafe belaying, and when you question them about it there answere is "it's just the collums" like people can't die there. [Eek!]


    There is an older guy who climbs who says we should just wait for natraul selection to do it's job. The fit and intellegent survive.


    [ 04-24-2002, 12:40 PM: Message edited by: sk ]

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