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Posts posted by MATT_B




    You've obviously never dealt with an insurance company in the wake of a natural disaster. People who are adequately covered are often denied coverage by how damage is characterized. For example, my dad's house in Florida was destroyed by a tidal surge attributable to hurricane Ivan. Because he had no roof damage (just installed a bomber new roof), USAA characterized the damage as "flood" rather than "hurricane," with the difference (among many) being depreciated compensation under the flood policy rather than full compensation under the hurricane policy. Additionally, flood insurance did not cover dislocation expenses, as the hurricane policy would.


    As a result, insurers were able to avoid properly compensating folks who were insured. That's where FEMA stepped in - helping people fucked by their insurers. Oh but wait, it's my dad's fault.


    Don't forget, the insurance profit strategy is two-fold: (1) collect premiums; (2) deny coverage.


    I thought we where talking about a big goverment handout for those that chose not to get insurance? If you don't have insurance on you house and it goes up in flames, I don't think the goverment should be paying for your damages. I can see the goverment helping out with some displacemnt and relocation cost but not property replacement. If you can't afford insurance for your house maybe you can't really afford that house. If your insurance company trys to call a huricane a flood they should be strung up by there balls. Maybe that is where the goverment should spend their money. I'm hearing more and more about argubally deceptive tactics by insurance companies and it makes me sick. Things like changing phrasing things to sound much much better than they really are. From what I understand about insurance companies today it is not smart to skip the small print or blindly trust what anyone says.

  1. I'm taking the family to Lake Tahoe in December. The wife and I will have one or two days a way from the kids. I'm looking for suggestions of things to do and things to see with and without the kids in the area. I have been to Alpine Meadows so I was thinking a day at one of the other resorts. What are the other resorts like, Heavenly, Sugar Bowl, others? I was also planning on bringing the XC skis and pulling the kids in a sled. I'm thinking something fairly short and mellow for some touring. Is there any reliable easy ice in the area? Any other suggestions not necessarily outdoor related would be welcome too. Thanx in advanced.

  2. Anyone have a snowsuit for a 12-18 monther.



    We are looking for the exact same thing. Anybody....?????



    Check this out. My wife went to the last one and scored on a snow 2 snow suits (one for each kidlet) for 7 bones each. Tons of other good stuff too.


    Anyone know where I can get s sled that I can pull the kids around on in the snow? I'm thinking something like a jog stroler on skis. If not, maybe I will have to make something.

  3. Maybe I'm too much of a pessimist but I have faith that the system will be and/or is being abused. There are already plenty of things being done it the name of the "war on terrorism" that have very little or nothing to do with it. Is it too much of a leap that if there is no review, oversight, checks or balances or control over the system that it's use will creep into other areas? In a system such as this that requires a very high degree of secrecy, must have some kind of mechanism behind it to keep things in check. Those mechanism's are quickly eroding.

  4. The Judge on the other hand was excessive--but I know here in Oregon that the traffic court judges have started increasing fines for people who plead guilty yet take up the courts time with personal appearances in the hopes of reducing their fine instead of just paying the fine.




    I was thinking about that. How often do you hear people bellyaching about the tool hassling them for (insert petty offence here) when they should be out busting the real criminals. To play devils advocate, maybe the judge was sitting on the bench thinking who's this kid in my court room taking up the publics time and money to plead guilty when I could be busting some real criminals. . .


    That being said it still really sucks to get your fine increased, especially that much. You would think there should be some sort of cap for that kind of thing.


  5. I scored on a kelty for $15 on craigs list. It wasn't my favorite but for 15 bones compared to several hundred for the one that felt most comfortable it was an easy decision. I tried out several different kinds before buying. I don't remember any of the brands but I do remember a few things that caught my attention. One brand had a flimsy stand system. I was worried that when we set the kidlet down on ground that is likely uneven there was good potential that he could fall over. Most had a billion bells and whistles. I don't like that, keep it simple stupid. Comfort for you is important but Comfort for the kidlet is more important. My kid will start to melt down before I do so I try and make his comfort top priority. Your kidlet will grow. Mine is around 30lbs now. Make sure there is room. If it is just you and the kid you will want room for those baby essentials. I just strap another backpack on the baby carrier frame.


    On another note, the season is changing. I have been thinking about getting one of those rain cover things that helps keep the kid dry in the rain. Are they any good? Maybe an umbrella instead? Other ideas?


  6. I have spent the last 7+ years working in a consulting engineering firm doing plumbing and HVAC design. I will finally be finishing up my BSME this spring. I’m thinking about changing gears once I graduate. I’m thinking about getting into product design, machine design, manufacturing or something like that. I would love to hear thoughts on things like work environment, challenges, hours, long term prospects in your field, what skills are good to know and/or learn for your field, or anything else you feel like sharing about you line of work.

  7. huckleberry margarita's are by far the most fun. Besides which they turn your mouth an amusing shade of purple :)


    Got a good recipe? I plan on doing some picking this weekend and I think this could go will with a nice bottle of tequila I have.

  8. No I don't want to kill a goat but I would like to see one. Maybe even some what close up. I'm looking for recomendations of places to go for a decent chance to see some mountain goats that is a reasonable day trip from Portland. I remember seeing some in the Mazama glacier area on Adams years ago. Any other suggestions? Hopefully this won't go to spray too quickly.


    Thanx in advance!

  9. Two weeks before that, I had a guy at Muir approach me at midnight and ask if he could join my rope team or have me cut off 10' of my rope for $12. He had on trail runners. Wtf!? Where do these people come from.


    What was he planning to do with 10' of rope????? Wtf!? is right!




    This is my little man. Being a dad is the best thing I have ever done. I spent some time last night in the wee hours of the evening feeding his little sister (one month old today). When she finished she just layed on my chest, eyes wide open looking at me for 20 minutes or so before she finally went to sleep. Melted my heart.


    Enough of this mushy stuff, Dad is still the enforcer

  11. you might have been lucky you didn't find it. many grow ops are protected by booby traps and guns to keep out curious pedestrians.


    I have heard this a number of times but has anyone ever been shot or killed form said devices?

  12. Didn't the state police in oregon start doing check points looking for DUI a number of years back (late 80's or so)? If I remember correctly that it was found to be illegal to do so? Don't the police need probable cause to stop you in the first place? Maybe that was just a state thing. Either way sounds like BS to me.


  13. I too have been kicking around the idea of taking the little monster backpacking. We started hiking at about 3 months. We first took him car camping at 6 months. Fortunately he is a very very easy baby. One idea I have been kicking around for backpacking was taking him in the jog stroller. I think it would be fine on a good trail that was relatively flat. Anyone have experience with a jog stroller on trails? I would just carry him but it would likely be just the two of us. Carrying him and all of our stuff may be a bit much. I will probably just keep doing day hikes. That way mom and little sister (4 weeks today) can come along too.

  14. how the fuck do you put a bolt behind a flake?


    First place the bolt.

    Second move the flake.

    Third tie the flake in place with webbing so it doesn't fall off.

    Last, scare the crap out of the idiots (my self included) that grab the webbing, clip the bolt, look at the anchor and finally figure out what is going on.


    It wasn't at beacon but you asked the question. I'll see if I can dig up the picture

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