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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Buzz

    Message for Dwayner

    I liked the "Rock Cop" post. Index ain't no place for homo city boys. Speaking of pigs. The only types I like are the ones that produce bacon and the ones that used to get hung from Model Worker. Yep I remember back in the day. When the first pig got hung some sissy lycra bolter boy was trying to remove it while one of the riggers was at the base of the lower wall screaming, "I don't fuck with your rap placed bolts; why are you fucking with my lead placed pig."
  2. quote: Originally posted by AllYouCanEat: Telemark skiing is pure and aethetically pleasing. The downhill turn uses brute force and conquers a slope. Telemark skiers harmonize with nature. We don't conquer. As for pussy ass slopes. Follow me, bitch. [ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: AllYouCanEat ] I bet you would harmonize real pretty like once me and the boys tie you up out in the woods and introduce you to Mr. broom handle.
  3. Beck ain't you one of those long haired homo/hippys? I guess it figures you would like skiing sissy style.
  4. quote: Originally posted by trask: I'll ski up your buttcrack bitch. I'll ski up your mom's buttcrack wanker
  5. Alex Lowe was a fairy... god dam hippy
  6. I don't know why you pussies are afraid of avalanches. I've ridden a couple big ones and came out just fine. I guess non of you lame asses can ski. [ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: Buzz ]
  7. Buzz

    Chair Peak?

    Why don't you look at the avalanche report moron.
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