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Posts posted by jkrueger

  1. I just can't believe that the people showing up for a peace march would bring their clubs and helmets with the intent of causing physical harm and doing damage.


    The most dangerous weapon I've ever seen at a peaceful gathering is a candle. rolleyes.gif

  2. That's what I thought you were referring to, Muffy. But don't confuse a peace march with an environmental protest or political rally that is attended largely by ardent fanatics.


    In Seattle, Saturday's peace march will be attended by a wide spectrum of people and I bet, for instance, that most Seattle churches will have part of their congregation represented there. I don't know the "agenda" but I bet Congressional representatives and other dignitaries will be giving speeches. Lots of people will be there with their kids.


    Yeah, lots of people in BMW's and Volvos who don't give a shit about the oppressive regime that Saddam inflicts on the people of Iraq. Who's the heartless group now?


    If they didn't care or have an opinion, why would they be there? People can give a shit, they just don't necessarily have to shit like you do.

  3. Greg-

    I repeat my question: when was the last time that a peace march ended up in some kind of violence? And when was the time before that? (I mean in this country.) It might be fair to say that you are concerned that such an event could turn violent, but I think it is completely inaccurate to say that these things usually end up that way.


    Four dead in Ohio


    Yeah, four students dead. Maybe they should have just shot Rosa Parks to set the precedent.

  4. My brother's bike was stolen by a guy who watched him lock his bike to a long horizontal handrail each day. At night he came in and hacksawed the beam way down at the other end and taped over it. Then when my bro locked his bike to it, he just undid the tape and slid my brother's bike off.
    And you know this because... you were the guy? evils3d.gif
  5. I knew a guy at UBC physics who hooked up a capacitator inside his top tube so that when someone put a seat on his bike without first disconnecting a secret wire, it would discharge and cause some minor electrocution...


    I think what ended up happening was some drunk guy was pissing on the bike when it was parked outside a pub and that set off the capacitor...





    did he ever break 88 mph and travel through time?


    It takes a "flux capacitor" to travel through time. yellaf.gif

  6. Fuckin up city traffic should almost never be an option. Go stand with pickets on the sidewalk for all I care. Just stay out of the streets. Shit there was a protest on the streets months ago. They created some unnecessary traffic issues.


    Agreed. People have the right to exercise their personal freedom, but it shouldn't interfere with the personal freedom of others.

  7. ...dingdongs grow staler by the minute
    Speaking of dingdongs, here's a joke my sister told in front of her class when she was in 2nd grade:


    Q: How did the Twinkie get pregnant?

    A: She fell into a box of Dingdongs.

  8. I'm betting that if it goes off, it won't be peaceful and not too many people will actually march. A bunch of morons who mistakenly believe that it is their 'right' to clog streets without consequences will make trouble and then blame it on the cops. For those of you that get gassed or clubbed, you probably deserved it. Trask and I will be there selling Tom Daschle voodoo dolls and fake patchouli oil.

    The truth is that anyone with a personal opinion that differs from that of Greg_W is a moron. To believe in freedom, and the right to gather peacefully is a mistaken belief, and to think otherwise will result in physical violence (and that violence is deserved). And in keeping with the time honored and rewarded value of deceit, you would intentionally take advantage of people by selling snake oil.

  9. Huh? Who said anything about driving? And anyhow, dope or no, I ALWAYS wear a helmet driving. Isn't it required by law?
    Perhaps you walked to Office Despot, then? And if you took your broom, well, you should probably wear a helmet for that, too! wink.gif
  10. Damn DFA -- my big opportunity and I'm not going to be able to make it! Can I send in a postcard for a chance at the raffle in the event there is no winner?


    And Iain -- "butts to nuts"? What is that, an attempt at scaring the male crowd away, or an enticement for the females?

  11. Damn you're a fucking crybaby krueger. Every time you post it's a snide slice. Way to go slugger!
    I'm not crying at all. Just acknowledging the nature of the beast. But you can call me anything you want if it makes you feel better.
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