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Posts posted by Dave_Schuldt

  1. We need them for the MTB park we're building.


    There's a couple windstorms brewing and we need logs! I figure with all

    this wind there will be a lot of trees available so keep your eyes peeled.

    We need 50 trees, about a 50/50 mix of fir and cedar.


    Here's what we need:

    1. Douglas Fir. Sections 6' long or longer, 15" in diameter or greater.

    18"+ is ideal. These will be used for logrides and bridge supports.


    2. Cedar. Sections 3' or longer. 18" diameter or greater, and nothing too

    crooked. These will be used for logrides and to split up into rungs for

    ladder bridges.


    We can not accept any other species of tree. Hauling the trees is the

    trick, so if you can go pick these up and have them delivered to Colonnade,

    that would be great. We can haul some moderate size logs with Art's truck

    or some bigger trees in my flatbed if we have a decent sized load. However, I'm really tight on time, so it would need to be a big load for me to be able to sneak away from work.


    If you know of a source or trees or you can help round some up, please

    contact jon@bbtc.org or calling our office at 206-524-2900.


    Colonnade thanks you!




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  2. Scary shit. His loud guttoral ranting coordinated with the flailing hand gestures then followed by strategic pause reminds me of Hitler - while his endless repeat, rephrase, rehash of the same rant harkens Castro. Even if you agree with his hatred of Bush you must admit that the guy is NOT head-of-state material. Thanks for the link. I hadn't seen that one.



  3. So we're adicted to oil.

    The nut cases have most of the oil.

    We support those nut cases.

    We bitch about them.

    They wouldn't have any influence it they didn't have any money.


    Look Chavez is a nut case, but he doesn't scare me like those nut cases in the Mid East. Chavez doesn't think he's on a mission from God.


    It all comes down to money. The Arabs take our money and buy our products and finance our debt. Chavez takes our money and spends it elsewhere.


    How long will it be before the CIA kills him?

    I love it when he goes after Bush so I hope he lives till Bush is out of office.


  4. Should be good for a few more pages....


    Watched this last week, very good.

    Until we accept gays and respect thier relationships just as much as straight ones this shit will continue to happen. Shit like this makes me think if your born gay there's nothing you can do about it. Honos are a fact of life, deal with it.


    Honos = the smell of stinky ho's snatch on a certain hippy- biker's nose after he makes a visit down under


    ....I was talking about this guy.


  5. I figure you didn't mean to direct this post at me.

    I have nothing to deal with. Especially not Honos.


















    BEWARE THE HONOS............


    That's right, I wasn't talkig about you....

  6. Crystal plans on opening on Wednesday, November 15!!!!!


    from the website: "It's snowing heavily on the mountain right now and with the forecast going in the right direction, we have set our opening plans for this WEDNESDAY NOV.15th.! Several forecasts show heavy amounts of snow throughout the next seven days. Tune in on Monday for an update."


    Just in time for some rain.

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