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    Seattle, WA, USA

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. Booyakasha! Hey Sky, RESPECT my man. Congratulations on finally weaving through her web for the twilight descent! Is your snow cave still intact? On Kool-Aid Lake? Might have to utilize it. Good thinking with the middle-fork approach, albeit a bit of a ‘shwack, those slopes between Cascade Pass and Cache Col were a great white fright last year! And to think… we nearly pulled it off in 23 hours!....well, okay, we weren’t even close. UP! Jonathan
  2. Yup, I saw a sign there last Thursday that said all cars must be out of the lot by August 1st. I'll bet you could park at the Eightmile T.H., cross the creeks and hike the extra mile.
  3. When Chuck Pratt was guiding with the Teton Mountain Guides he apparently would tell his students to treat snow as "Radioactive dog shit"
  4. Awesome! So what is the spectra that is absorbed? Credible climbing information? The helpful and appropriate shizz gets absorbed and the rest reflects and sprays all over us. Maybe I just need a new plasma screen. Let's get out the spectrophotmeter and analyze! My AP Bio class just did all this sorry, but it is "neat-o" *voice-crack*
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