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Posts posted by Juneriver

  1. Actually it's Mr, thank you very much.

    I have re-read your post and I guess it was where you stated "First and foremost I agree with Matt and Peter." where I assumed that you were agreeing w/ Matt and Peter.

    Anyway... I'm not looking to brawl here or at the crags... that's what bars are for. grin.gif

    take it easy...


  2. All over the Ptarmagin Traverse... it actually became a bit of sport... we would try to fill the snafflehound holes before they would attack at night.

    Wasn't really on a technical route... but it was most fun I had taken a dump in the Mtns.

  3. Until this year, I've always just blown it off with a "Of course I'll be careful" type reply, on my way out the door. But with the wife pregnant and more financial responsibility this year, it was hard to explain all the insurance I wanted to take out. Anyway, I'm really honest about it. I've started to sit down and explain the routes to my wife, go over my itenerary (sp?) with her, and explain the objective dangers.

    Of course I don't get into too much detail, and play it down some, but she handles it all pretty well. She also has done some climbing and has got a pretty good idea of what goes on out there.

  4. I climbed Dome last August at the end of the Ptarmigan Traverse. A great climb, the route is very straightforward as To The Top described. The glacier was really easy and the climb was beautiful with solid rock.

    The only thing that would deter me from going back in there to do it again was the hike to downey creek. We were told that the worst part would be either the flies or the bushwacking, and it was the flies. Extremely bad case of biting flies crawling all over my face until I was about ready to freak out. The bug juice I had seemed to have no effect. I would definitely recommend some heavy duty DEET.

    Beyond that, be prepared for a long approach without many spots to camp. We were going to camp but the flies were so bad we did not. We hiked out all in one day from Itswoot Ridge and that was a long day.

    I would definitely recommend making at least three days of the climb.

    We also did it on a very warm day, so the bushwacking was very humid and I think that just made the flies more active.

    Have fun, and let us know how it goes.


  5. I really don't like the idea of having rescue insurance forced on anyone, which is exactly what will happen if rescue costs are billed to the climbers.

    I happen to think that the system that is in place is about as good as it can get. I mean, after all is said and done, I would bet taxpayers spend more money dragging drunk drivers out of their wrecks and into the hospital than mountain rescues.

    Besides, the training commander from Fort Lewis was on NPR this morning and pointed out that the money that was spent on the helicopter portion of the rescue would be spent, no matter what, on training this year anyway. So they were able to help some people out along the way.

    Anyway, I think the rescue pilots and the climbing rangers do a great job.

  6. Sure hope those guys show some type of gratitude and good attitudes for the sake of public opinion. I didn't see them on the news personally, but the morning radio show was talking about them and complaining that their tax dollars paid for this rescue and the guys seemed to have a real bad attitudes.

    I suppose I would be unhappy at having to have a chopper rescue too, but let's not get public opinion against us or rescues on the mountain.

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