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Posts posted by jennie

  1. Thanks for the sympathies, I was only in Colorado for a couple seasons. I've moved on to lighter snows after a torturous winter in the icy east last year. As for pictures of my shoulder... I do have pictures from during the surgery not very interesting but I'll try and find them. I wish I had a picture from when it first detached. Every time I flexed it looked like I had a tennis ball sitting on the end of my humerus.

  2. My shoulder was popping out for a while and pretty painful especially after climbing so about 4 years ago I had surgery to correct it. About three months after the surgery the long head of my biceps tendon ( which was completely healthy pre surgey ) detached and shot down to my elbow. Pretty crazy looking. Apparently the surgeon overheated my shoulder capsule and my tendond essentially boiled it to death. After another surgery to reattach my tendon and 3 and a half years later It's finally getting strong again. I missed way too much climbing over this.

  3. Thanks for all the info. Java was not effected by the tsunami. Sumatra is where all the chaos is. I'm out here to help with the tsumani releif. We just have some time before we head up to Aceh. The reports are pretty scary , the word in Aceh at the moment is aid workers will not be targeted. Keep your fingers crossed! As far as climbing the outward bound Indonesia staff showed me some great stuff in Jatiluhur. I would love to check out climbing in singapore and malaysia, but I wont be heading ou there this trip.


    thanks again


  4. A freind of mine was just diagnosed with chronic lyme. She's had symptoms for over a year. She had to do all the research herself and tell her doc which tests she needs. We have found many people with chronic lyme are being misdiagnosed with chronic fatigue. there is a new tick survey being done in Oregon testing for lyme. The official results should be out soon. From what I've heard so far there are quite a few ticks that carry lyme

  5. My father died in a climbing accident when I was 18 months. I have never thought he failed me. I am proud of his accomplishments as a climber and as a father. My step father is also an accomplished climber. CLimbing is a part of him and he has made it a part of me.

  6. EArly morning of 16th of August a man died on kilimanjaro of HAPE. He apparntly was driven to the shearer plateau (10,000 ft), proceded to climb the western breech and camp in the crater( just under 19,000 ft) . Due to lack of acclimatizing he developed pulminary edema. I was at the high camp when the streatcher passed through. our group had brought some oxygen and meds ,but it was too late by the time we were notified. Unfortunatly the rangers had no oxygen or meds.

    This was a very sobering experience watching him wheeled down, and a good reminder of how dangerous altitude can be.


  7. quote:

    Originally posted by David Parker:

    You guys who learned from your Dad should thank him! Let him know how much it means to you. It's the nicest compliment you can give him!

    Cheers, David

    I definatly owe a huge thanks to my parents for exposing me to climbing. I believe climbing is a passion your born with , luckily my parents helped me find it.

    It started when I couldn't even walk. My parents would take me up to the crags and I would just watch them climb for hours. Our family vacations were to yosemite, gunks,tietons,ect... or where ever they were climbing. It was great! All throughout my childhood we had climbers from all over crashing on our couch and telling amazing stories of their climbs. Every slide show of my fathers would drive me to want to get out and climb what he did.

    In high school we moved to SLC, I rebeled and become a sport climber for a few years.... After taking a few years off I came back to my senses and have returned back to more alpine/ mountaineering climbs.

    SO if you have kids , let them into your crazy climbing world. It was great climbing with my dad when I was 5 and it is still great climbing with him in my 20's. It has created a amazing bond.


  8. I was on the opposite team of the party of 3. Our party came in from Ross lake /big beaver . We met up with our perfect pass party as they where rapping off the summit. Perfect timing. It was a great climb. The snow bridges where stable and the weather was perfect!


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