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Posts posted by syudla

  1. The weather is good, the forecast is good. Do I go to work and blow my chance to climb for at least a month, or call in sick for 3 days and go climb. (Dont bother spraying about how do I call in sick for 3 days, just take it as a given that it works)

  2. I'm still pissed at the bastard for purloining my slings.


    :tups: Colin, speed on.


    WTF were you gonna do? go back and get'em?? snaf.gif

    junior alpine hero indeed! rockband.gif


    On a side note..I hate having to work for living madgo_ron.gif

  3. I have a pair of Scarpa alveolite liners F.S. good condition not packed out size 10.5 $30 sold


    And a pair of intuition heat moldable liners size 10. heat fitted once. Made for Vans snowboard boots. $30


    Shipping is $7 priority for either.

    Email if interested.


    Ok I'm a dumbass, my email is visible now. crazy.gif

  4. DeC, your presence is requested.


    Yeah, well, I have a standing request of myself to attend a gathering of cc.cahmers.


    A few years back, I journeyed about six hundred miles to meet and climb with a number of participants of another climbing website. The "rendezvous" drew folks from far-flung corners of North America, as well as, Switzerland, and England. It was a blast; immensely entertaining to meet in person folks you've only known through the strictures of a written word medium.


    Time will tell...


    Yeah then its just a few hundred south to the real climbing.

  5. I wouldn't worry about the antibott plates - you can make your own from plastic juice bottles and wire ties.


    Have you actually tried this? I have heard this many times but in my personal experience, they suck el supremo. Plastic blows out damn near immediately. thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gif

  6. Climb: Mt. Russell-Fishhook arete


    Date of Climb: 7/21/2005


    Trip Report:

    The climb was one we'd wanted for awhile. Finally the opportunity presented itself. Late start after approach drive meant an overniter.

    Portal to iceberg lk - 4 hrs, including 30 min break at LBS lk.

    Iceberg to summit - 5 hrs, including slow time on P2

    Summit to car - 4 hrs

    This is a really fun route thats never too hard. Great exposure and a couple really nice pitches, esp. P5 after the notch.

    Note: Some snow still exists on east side of W-R pass, doable in approach shoes.

  7. Climb: Wheeler PK (CA)-NW arete (new route?)


    Date of Climb: 7/10/2005


    Trip Report:

    Per your request...

    Set alarm for 4am the day prior. Ah forget it.

    7/10: The alarm in my head goes off, I look overhead for the 'pretty lights,' no... that was last year. Stumble around getting dressed.

    "What are you doing"

    "Go back to sleep honey, the pencil is put away"

    Out the door, no coffee. Damn! getting a bad start.

    7am: Arrive trailhead, The campers are beginning to stir. Discover I forgot the camera in the dark lack of coffee fugue. Shit! Pictures are overrated anyway

    7:12 Start hiking. Arrive in basin below arete around 9am. Discover I forgot the food in the dark no coffee fugue. Shit! Food is overrated anyway.

    Climb up couloir a short distance to crack system that appears to lead to arete. 5.8 climbing for a pitch leads to crest of arete. Discover I have no partner to belay. Cool! Partners are overrated anyway. Climb arete staying true to the crest which yields fun climbing to about .6

    11:45 Arrive summit. No writing utensil, Ah ha! I know this! A small wound has opened on my thumb providing ink for summit register.

    7PM Arrive home. 15 hrs door to door, including post climb beer.

    OK it aint Serra 5, but its a day.




    (Photo stolen and annotated from my friend Sam)

  8. Mike King (Whitesaddle Air), last July, was considering buying another helicopter to handle the steady annual increase in climbers desiring transport in to the Wadds.

    Blame (or praise, as your mood suggests)Don!! thumbs_down.gifthumbs_up.gif
  9. Had the chaos on Denali et al this year and it performs. Have to get used to the bottom pulls for the shoulder adjustments. Removed the bivy pad it came with and inserted my z rest 3/4. Used the z rest and new prolite 3, 3/4. Worked great. Custom ordered without the crampon pouch and added shock cord. I don't have a problem with the carry.

  10. Hey Rob, (its me Doug)we were there fri. In fact we are the pair on the right hand line in Lambone's pic. Anyway, we carried no pack tho being familiar with how we climbed together we knew we'd be off in a short time.


    I have a small 'bullet' type pack also that works for these things. Its one of the Osprey excesory packs that I can add to my larger osprey (tho only have for expeditions in AK etc). rolleyes.gif For longer climbs, my system is similar to Don's above.

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