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Everything posted by jstreet

  1. quote: Originally posted by James: hear that jeff... you've got something in common with fred becky! you're a stud man... or should i say ropegun Thanks James! ... from now on just call me Jeff Becky.
  2. I'm free Mon Feb 18 - Wed Feb 20 and want to go ice climbing... BC, Banks lake, Strobach mtn, Mazama all possiblities.
  3. Here's another photo from gate greek. This one is of the top (3rd) pitch taken from the rappel tree at the top of the 2nd pitch. I was there the week before Dan but the ice was pretty much as he described it. The short waterfall and ramble first pitch was mostly water so we had to climbed mixed rock/bush/snow just to the right.
  4. Here my 2nd try at attaching the photo of gate creek ice...
  5. I was up on this climb on Sat Feb 2. Here's a photo of the last 2 pitches.
  6. I hope to do lots of water ice climbing this winter and am looking for partners. I can lead WI 3 and will likely be leading WI 4 before the end of the winter.
  7. Thanks for the info. If I try sloan this weekend I post a report. PS/ I may rent a chain saw
  8. Anyone been to Sloan Peak recently? I'm interested in snow conditions. Particularly on the crorkscrew route and the SE Face
  9. My friends and I carried the gear of a climber who may have broken his ankle/foot down from Bathtub dome late sunday afternoon. He had been climbing next to us on Bathtub. We did not see or hear a fall. We came apon the injuried climber a little ways below the dome as we started down to the car. Others had helped to immobilize his foot. I think I overheard him say he slipped while down climbing/scrambling. I watched him begin his descent of the trail with his partners help before passing them on my way down. We deposited there packs in the back of their truck but did not wait. It looked like he was in for a very difficult and slow hike/slide/crawl down.
  10. I'm thinking about doing the NE Face route on Grindstone Mtn (as described on pg 221 of Becky Guide Vol I 2nd edition) and was hoping that someone that has done it could give me more info. The route is apparently 5 pitches 5.4. It would be nice to know the rock type/quality, difficulty of each pitch, and how the protection was.
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