local climber needs a place to crash for the month of may. will animal sit(this does not include other climbers) or house sit. will consider a sub-lease.contact kevin at omalley23@hotmail.com or respond to this message.
chello! what's happenin style,
im in LA and i got to get out, but i need a alpine touring (skiing) package. looking for new or used gear. and ideas on where to buy new gear.
later kellroy
ps also looking for a megamint(SP)you know the one that looks like a t-pee.
my(climbing)friends are forged! the set of rigid friends sounds like it is the protection i need.
ps zenolith-i can go as high as $80 for the whole set.
chello folks,
just starting to use protection! got any? i will buy it!finished with climbing want to unload your gear call kevin at 633-1979.
ps i am interested in cams,hexs and (i am) nuts.
please call or email kevin