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Posts posted by rr666


    gregm said:



    Wow, I think I just saw these guys the other day, holding out a can on the freeway on-ramp...

  1. Man those work release programs really can be a bind, can't they! but, for that community service, I've got a chore for you. there is this newly painted purple house next to mine that really, really needs to be a different color. It would definitely be a community service to ease all of our eyes.



  2. bigdrink.gif

    It is always a sad day to hear that a climber has been involved in an accident, especially when someone dies.

    And to hear how great of a person he was, just adds to the pain. I never met him, but it sounds like the kind of person I would hold in high respect. bigdrink.gif

  3. I can read this shit all day yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif It is pretty sad though. Makes me never, ever want to become a special ed teacher. Where I grew up, I lived next to a house of tards. The people there adopted many of the unwanted. They were nice people, but I don't know how they could handle it. It sure made the half hour bus ride to and from school interesting just about every day...



    "Last spring, we used to have senior citizens from the local retirement home volunteer at our school. Every Thursday morning the retirement home's shuttle bus would drop them all off. They stopped coming to volunteer because of this incident:


    In case I haven't already made this clear: Tards get extremely attached to things, but it is very hard for them to express their emotional attachment appropriately.


    One Thursday morning, I am walking four of my 1st grade tards to the gym for "adapted P.E." One of them spots one of the grandmas getting off the bus. He freaks out, lets loose an ear-splitting scream, and charges her like a fucking bull, knocking her to the ground, really, really hard.


    I run over and pull him off of her. She is laying flat on her back on the pavement in front of the school, writhing in what is obviously excruciating pain. The office ultimately had to call an ambulance, and she was taken to the hospital with a broken collar bone and numerous broken vertebrae.


    All from a tard trying to give her a hug.


  4. Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

    Ani is realy raw. I like one of her albums wink.gif "I am not a pretty girl" I think is what it is called. I realy like the Indigo Girls smile.gif


    I agree that Ani is really raw, but I don't think I would consider her music folk style. Except maybe the one with Utah Philips. Otherwise, she is mostly just an angry girl.

  5. Try a tree... otherwise, open rafters work well to practice traversing. Don't ever get too far off the ground, but it is good to get cleaning traverses down as well...


  6. It is going to rockband.gif, but now is the time to go see X2. When everyone is in line for the Matrix, I will have whatever seat I want in the theater for X2. then in a few weeks, it will be time for the Matrix. Can't stand those long lines...

  7. What did you get, and do you like them? (I know you probably have not had them for much more than a day, but have you been on rock yet with them?) I am lookin for a new pair. Don't know if I want to replace my Aces, or try something new...


  8. Man, South Park almost makes me want to buy a TV, almost. Every episode I have seen has just got me laughin non stop. I love it. I should just head over to some friends house everytime it is on. yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif

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